I go back on Tuesday (Sept 1) and have to read an entire 400 pg book by then (2 days lol) I have such a harsh Junior year for too... New school: Hardest teacher for Honors Chemestry not sure about Trigonometry Honors Physics Honors Pre-Calculus Honors History 2 Gym Classes Then I am in a ton of extra curriculars- Robotics, Theatre, Jazz Band, Regular Band, Guitar playing... Im probably going to have to give up Halo.... X(
I started August 26th. Period-----Class-----Course Length-----Credits --1------Marketing-------Whole Year---------2-- --2------Swimming------1st Semester------0.25- --2------Study Hall------2nd Semester-------0-- --3-----Math Analysis----Whole Year---------1-- --4-------English 4--------Whole Year--------1-- Then I go home at 10:35.
I started last Monday. Spanish 1 (They require it for graduation?) Biology Honors Algebra 2 Honors AP World History English 2 Honors Study Hall Web Design 3
I just ended my first week of school. I'm in grade 11. I'm taking AP English III, AP Music Theory, AP Calculus AB, Hon Chemistry, Spanish III, and Band.
You guys have some work orientated courses. I have a class called Food & Nutrition, where we literally make food and eat it. Our Semester Final: Make a Lasagna (<--- spell check). ahhhhh, Senior year.
Food & Nutrition at my old school was were you were graded on what you brought for lunch and then you would exercise and learn about nutrition. The class that sounds like what you're taking on the other hand is Culinary Arts. I took Intro to Culinary Arts Freshman year and I'll probably take Culinary Arts among other blow off classes Senior Year. This year(Junior Year) in order for first semester I'm taking: Art Psychology American Literature Lunch Algebra 2 Recreation Games US History and I have Street Law and Skills Health second semester.
Grade 7 September 2nd. AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGHHHHH! I still have to do a project! Its a great thing 3 years of guitar have payed off because then I can just write a song.
I go back September 9th for grade 10, but my schedule is screwed up, I'm missing courses and have too many spares. Luckily, I'm getting that fixed tomorrow. Only things that I have worth of mention is Band and Computer Science, everything else is your run of the mill classes, more so than those two.
My schedule is pretty fly. Math, English, then I leave school for 3 periods to work on cars, then I come back for lunch. I usually go home after lunch but my last class is government. Oh, and on Tuesdays, I get to leave English 20 minutes early to go to tech. Senior year is starting off aight. Except I'm failing half of my classes already.