You can download here: Facility 24 Facility 24 is a small map meant for Team Doubles and Free-For-All type matches. It supports Slayer, Team Slayer, Oddball, and KOTH. Facility works best with 2-4 Players, and anything over 5 Players in one match and it starts to get crowded. There is a teleporter on this map, and it is located by the Brute Shot Spawn. This teleporter leads you up to the Shotgun Room. The Shotgun Room is the highest part of the map, and whoever controls it has a good advantage. There are two ways into the Shotgun Room; the stairs that lead up to the entrance, or the teleporter in the back corner of the Shotgun Room. You can also throw gernades through an opening in the wall in front of the Shotgun Room, allowing you to kill enemies without getting into close conflicts with eachother. There is also another way in, a lot trickier, but can be done. There is a crate outside of the Shotgun Room, and with a successful crouch jump, you will be able to get into the room. The lower level of the map (which is about half of the map), is home to the lone Mauler close to the Teleporter, which can be used in a number of ways. There is also a small perch, that is straight across from the Shotgun Room, this is a good spot to throw gernades into the Shotgun Room with a good chance of not getting killed by the enemy. Due to the elevation, an enemy will either have to jump on top a dumpster, then get to the perch, or have to kill you to get up there. Weapons BR X2 Brute Shot X1 Plasma Rifle X2 Mauler X1 Shotgun X1 SMG X2 Equipment Spike Gernade X6 Brute Shot/Teleporter Room Another image of the Brute Shot/ Teleporter Room A look at the Shotgun Room Hallway that sits between the lower and higher levels of the map Main Room (outside of the Shotgun Room). Basement Room Teleporter that leads up to the Shotgun Room Perch (Straight across from the Shotgun Room). Thank you to the following people: Blacknight221 Choppy Splint Rejected Carnie rooroojp For the help, support, and Playtesting for the map. Even though there were times of frustration, I hope you enjoy this map as much as I did making it. With Love and Peace, ONEARM ASSASSIN.
Thanks for building on FOUNDRY. I truly like this map from what I see. I think it looks nice and Looks good for team doubles etc. I would download it for HALO 3 now but no XBOX 360. But um.... Do the telporters help gameplay at all? Or do they f**k it up. EDIT: I would put a laser instead of a shotty I were you. just my opinion though. also 4/5 from the pics. get back to you with a forgethrough though.
The map looks gewd for the cramped forging (Its hard for me to forged cramped) and with gewd pathes, i would like to suggest little things that could make it appear better: Having the little yellow line of the teleporter be the one thing on the bottom of the top tele (like the lower tele), having the open boxes (not with the tele) of the bottom to be geomerged just enough for the 'floor' to be under to smooth it and look kewl "Its not about being big, its what you can do with it" seems to be applied here very well lol I would have DL'ed but my xbox is down, so its in my bookmarks
From the first picture, the map reminded me a lot of Slate Creek, but seeing the rest of them greatly proved me wrong. This is still a great looking map though and definitely worth a DL so I'll do that first and then post some more feedback then
Any feedback, constructive criticism, concerns, advice, etc. would be appreciated. Anyway, I've found that Free-For-All KOTH is one of the best gametypes that works for Facility 24. KOTH is very fast paced on this map, and you always have to watch your back because you're bound to run into someone at any one time.
This is an epic map, at first glance, it appears to be relatively small, but you have a bunch of additional little areas here and there, I absolutely love the flow of this level and it will be staying on my harddrive.
Looks like a well built map with some good structures but it would be very helpful to have some sort of overview. Is it a predominantly close quaters FFA map or more of a 4v4 TS map?
The map works with Team Doubles as well as 3v3. It is supposed to support 4 Players, but anything over five or six Players it starts to really get crowdeed.
There have been a few problems with the Shotgun being used on the map. I've noticed that people tend to camp out in the Shotgun Room once they have the Shotgun. It isn't a major problem, but people have done this before. What I am thinking is put a longer respawn time on the Shotgun. That way players will be less dependable on the weapon and will manuever throughout the rest of the map.