Foundry MLG Requiem v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Insane54, May 31, 2009.

  1. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Your free to stand behind the reciever node and screw up the rest of your team. Maybe go +2 with 2 kills and no deaths. Good job! o/
  2. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Allright- I will =P
    There are people that will do it. 1: Because they could be idiots, 2: because they can piss people off like that.

    But you never know the outcome. What if a ton of enemy players went through the node? Then you would get a ton of kills. So would you rather just have that happen?
    #22 Loscocco, Aug 30, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2009
  3. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    It's risk vs. reward. I was pretty careful with the teleporters when I made them and went over everything about them with Fritzster before even making them an important part in the design. The teleporters offer a high risk/high reward being that you teleport to a spot overlooking the orange/white hills and sniper spawn. Risk? Uh...dying? You're in a small room with nowhere to go...if you're spotted and can't get your teammates to help, you're as good as dead in that tight of an area.

    Next, the teleporter node. The most important thing with MLG with teleporters is a) making sure that easy assassinations can't become a major part of the game (IE. Cold Storage does that all wrong), b) that they shouldn't be under the ground or geomerged so far that you can't glance over to it and not see the green. MLG is about quick gameplay, not checking a dead end room. Also, makes it easier on newbzzz, c) that the teleporters are important to facilitate player movement around the map. I think I've succeeded with most of that, and the only thing I could see myself doing with the teleporter is geomerging the reciever slightly...but it's not going to help the camping (never seen it work past a kill, it's about the easiest spot to countercamp even if they do), just look nice for the most part.

    Everything's been carefully thought out with Fritzster (everything I can think of at least...), and while there is of course always room for improvement, I prefer when the guy goes and plays the map and realizes why the things are where they are before posting, thanks ;)
  4. TheRagingBeast

    TheRagingBeast Ancient
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    LOL @ you guys. you honestly don't know anything about GOOD maps that play well, we only made Onslaught? I can list 200+ maps here that are absolute garbage, and just about every map at MLG is amazing except a few.
  5. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    That central structure is very impressive, I'm sure it makes for some unique gameplay. Glad to see the inclusion of some jumps too, looks like it could work well for ball.
  6. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Lets see your maps then.... I thought so...

    Honestly- who made you the judge of MLG and how the maps work. Good job making a total douche of yourself by failing to justify your reasons to why this map "sucks", Im surprized that you havent received an infraction or ban yet.
  7. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    I really am not a fan of the a/b sign dumpster jump; i think a nice smooth bridge that leads up would be perfect. The gameplay was good overall and the central wall design looks really nice..
  8. Kane1048

    Kane1048 Ancient
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    The middle structure ofr the hill really blows my mind. So simple but so sweet. You got my download.

    The rest of the map could be a little less blah though.
    #28 Kane1048, Oct 1, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2009

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