I've been thinking about it lately, and everyone seems to think that making a Halo signature is shameful, or something. Why is this? I think that spartans and ODSTs look pretty neat, actually, so what's so bad and "noobish" about Halo sigs?
I don't think it's that, it's just that it's been done, and usually the stocks/renders are whored. People want new!
i like to use halo sigs cause i can get a screenshot that i took from bungie and render it. so it looks how i want it to and i can get the pose or weps or colors that i want and i dont have to search everywhere for one.
Sigs these days are overrated. They're generic. Every one basically consists of a vehicle, animal, or game character shrouded by darkness, mists, or explosions. Some people have their halo 3 stats, or a quote, or maybe some "achievement unlocked" paradoy. I could walk outside, take a picture of the tree in my backyard, slap it into my sig area, and be more unique than any of them. It's not that they don't look cool. Halo 3, corvettes, and all that stuff is pretty badassed. It's just over done now, and people are looking for creativity. EDIT: Tusk is a good example of creativity.
Yes, and we've given people creativity. There are new sig ideas and styles being thought up every day.
No. No you haven't. You need to think OUTSIDE the box man. WAY OUTSIDE. You don't just say "well we've given them creativity" because you CERTAINLY HAVE NOT if you think that thousands of sigs of explosions and shadows and mists are outside of the box. They're generic, and really anyone can make stupid effects in the background of some stock.
sigh.. zander not everyone can do it, we have SOME skill in it. besides, yeah people make alot with explosions etc. but each one IS unique. they may not be very different looking as opposed to other sigs of the same nature, but work was put into it. anyways, ive actually found halo sigs hard to work with, thats why i don't make many
I don't want to bum out this entire topic but. No one really cares who has what signature, a signature is a signature, if the person wearing the signature is happy then let them be, end of story. And nothing is wrong with Halo signatures, this is a Halo Forge forum board, I don't see why people would "flame" at them.
I like your sig, it's district 9. I like pictures, so as long as it's a picture that's interesting it be k.