The map is made on Foundry and i blocked off the Spawn sides so you play in a sqaure like most maps, the map is a fun based FFA Map i was just screwing around in forge and it started to shape something like Narrows with 2 man cannons on each side, and i build more from there. There are a lot of super weapons like: Spartan lasers Sniper Rifles sword, and a rocket. its really based as a warm up map or just to have some fun, theres a Warthog and a Ghost on the map, Espacially the ghost is a lot of fun, you really battle to get it. And you cant really see if you like this map by playing it on your own or with 2 players. Its really ment to play with good friends and 3 or more than this map is great and if you have the 1 second respawn time mod than with 3 players its great i can give the link if someone wants it just Ask it Enjoy!! Download Link: : Halo 3 File Details
Not bad for your first post Ill give it a Download - But i will say this, on another note, reduce the size of your signature please (Y)
I cant really see the whole map from them screenshots but from what I can see this map looks well forged but its way too open. Read through some guides on spawns etc, you have some spawns in the middle that if someone spawned at, their ****ed, no cover. Good map overall tough.
I Assure you if you play it with friends and your in a good mood it doesnt matter of there is no cover or you spawn at a shitty spot its all about fun and not about who has the most kills but who gets the most rediculious kills just test it with sum buddys and youll know what im talking about and with friends i mean more than 3
you probably should have posted this in casual maps then, looking at your last post. Doesn't look like most fun competitive map to me, too open, decent forging, but nothing we haven't seen before.
Looks like a pretty open map nothing fun nothing special good forging it needs more cover though and your not supposed to name your thread with anything else except for the name you put" A fun FFA map" you should probably edit that out otherwise nice post all the screenshots work good. 3/5.
Good for fist post and maybe first map ! but add stuff because youre map are to open so .... change this and mybe i gonna had you a download !