Don't Get Stumped! Map Download Gametype Download What would you do if you have to get out of a room for no reason? Arm a bomb to try and blow up a door that won't come down? What will you do when you get stuck, and can't continue? What do you do when you are stumped! This map contains several different rooms which have different obstacles to overcome. Some are fatal and you only have 5 lives. Use your head to figure everything out. Screenshots
There is no good excuse for not having pics. Noone will dl if you don't have pics, so I would get on that. STAT
That is the truest statement I've heard today! When I looked at this topic, I said to myself, "Why even bother?" GET SOME PICS PLEZ.
Screenshots Alright, I tried to take screenshots of the map. It is very difficult and there are a lot of them. You can't really take one to two screenshots to get a good feeling for what the game is about. Here they are anyway. Is that enough for you guys?
Im going to look at them, lol.. bc I am going to make a puzzle map soon and I wanna see... But you should really put the actual images into the original post, not just links.. they look more.. pretty that way hehe. (and ppl are lazy)
yeps.. you sure would hehe. but really, you are the one who wants people to see it, so you should do the hard part. right now we have to do the hard part, and most people, just won't for the best results (most views, downloads, best responses, etc) you should have it be as easy as possible for the viewers.. and yeah, it takes a little more work from you.
Well unfortunately for you thats the standard in FH. I personelly dont like puzzle maps becuase i didnt buy halo you be cramped into a room with a hidden turret i have to use..only to have to get into a hidden mongoose after that...etc you get the idea. But mostly peoplewont pay attetnion to your mpa if it doesnt meet the format. This IS actually for a perfectly logical reason though. just look at how many maps there are. Posting pics gives an indication of how much effort you put into the map ergo=better map. kinda bored atm so i might take a look depite my own opinions
Was it really necessary to post one of those kind of comments twice? Not disagreeing ofc though. Embeding really isnt hard to do with photobucket. upload all of them at once and copy paste one by one. simple
Is it really that hard for you guys to click a link? Come on seriously? Are you all that lazy that people like me have to go through a lot more work just do you guys don't have to click a button? I understand that I am the one showing you guys the map, and I would like you all to check it out to give me feedback. But I make maps so other people can have fun, not to be recognized as a mapmaker, or try to act like I can make the best maps in the world. I am sorry that I didn't embed the images, but seriously, is it that hard to click a link? EDIT: And on a side note, I know all of you guys hate dealing with new people. Maybe it is just something with you guys and not liking change. But still, you can be a little more polite instead of posting in read, and in all caps. You guys seem like you don't want to get more members. I am starting to wonder whether or not I should even stay. I though this would be a nice community to join since I like making maps. I know I didn't follow the format, and I will fix it later on, but DAMN. IS IT THAT HARD TO CLICK SOME LINKS!?
is it THAT HARD to embed a couple pics? I can play that game too.. but ask yourself the question.. what is more fair, making EVERYONE do the work to see YOUR maps.. or one person doing the work once to show EVERYONE their maps.. The answer is easy imho. While the guidelines say that it is recommended to embed pics in your thread, the community pretty much considers it a requirement, and unless you do it, the only comments you will get will be about how you didn't follow the correct format, so if you truly want your map seen and commented on, I'd just do it hehe. I learned that lesson the hard way.
What he said... Its basically a requiremnet due to the sheer mass of maps that overwhelm FH. Combined with a 100 download limit people who have been here awhile dont have much room since they have aquired a good few maps they want to keep (good forgers will have one canvas of almost every map remmeber) People on forgehub have decided that they would rather see pics within easy site ie not clicking a link whichthey then have to click on the pic then to get it to come up. ,when TDF and dragoncoals have made it so the pic can be on the page itself. And while it may not be intentional mate this is the gist of your last post leafyownu2 "why cant you guys do the work instead of me?" ANYWAY at approximately 1:34 am stumped! was owned by supa midget I gotta say the first room was clever,i liked the first teleporter bit. but it seems to go kinda bad fom there on. nothng else really involved thinking ATALL. TO ANY WHO WISH TO KNOW THE NEXT FEW SENTANCES MAY GIVE AWAY PARTS OF THE PZZLE...AVERT YOUR EYES IF NECESSARY. For instance blocked tp...throw nade. jump to get the gravlift which while it may have beenintended to be hard to see,was in plain site and easy to jump to.(i dont think i even had to crouch jump :S) shoot gravlifts.(really this wasnt even necessary,you didnt even have to be fast..maybe up the respawn?) Drive goose.(for a sequel maybe devise a trigger that gives you the goose when you do something?) jump over teleporters(this part should just plain out be removed,its not fun if you miss and its easy if your paying attention) mellee barrels(maybe make the way to open this "door" a string of fusion coils that beigns in a hidden loaction that blows it open,using immovable items its possible to make it so things can only be blasted form one direction) BOOM I only put the warning in just in case.While the first room was ncie and had me confuzzled for a bit the remainder was painfully easy. I'm sorry to say i was not Stumped! BUT.... Keep trying, make the next one harder and next time embed us some pictures please Oh and make the next one longer too,theres about 6 or so rooms in this one correct? (i personelly found takeing,uploading and embedding pics to be a breeze and when i'd finished a layout that looked nice i was kinda proud of it-the maps i'd posted were utter crap but still )
I am sorry that I lost my cool. Its just the fact that you guys are complaining that you have to click links. I don't quite understand why that is so hard. Can you please tell me why you can move the cursor, and press the left mouse button? Does that burn up all of your carbs for the day and make you tired? I fixed the post so it "fits the requirements" better. My old post fit them perfectly. It just wasn't in the format you all wanted. A format which is suggested by the way. Also I added a nice little title to it as well, since you all like images so much. And then I added the pictures. Since this was the first map I really made with a serious attitude, I would expect it to be easy and crappy at a point. I know it gets simple after the first room, but what do you expect from a first map? I know there are tons of them around but still I am proud of this map. The other maps I made where just crappy ones with random things placed around it. Thanks for you feedback. Also, there are more than a few images. I had to save each one of them, and upload each one of them one at a time, then add then all to the post one at a time. Something that took me about 15 minutes. Yes that is not a long time, but still it takes you guys what, 5 minutes AT MOST to view all of them? So I really don't see the problem...
If you use photobucket to host your pics you can uplod all of them at once saving alot of loading. Then just use copy paste and you can be done fairly quickly. And i hate to say this but if it takes 15 minutes to make a tidy format then thats what it takes.Also look at the time for us. It takes 5 mins a person who looks....this site has over 9000 users i believe or somewhere in that region say everyone saw your map at one point and went to the trouble of clicking....thats 45000 minutes....thats 12.5 days. Over 15 minutes to lay it out. And it has to be tidy and easy to look at. Think of it as this is a poster people see advertising say a movie. If all the poster says is. This is a movie about such and such starring such and such. For more details ring <insert number here> or <insert another number> Would you go see the movie? Nope,while yes it can take some effort you have to understand that every little bit of effort you save people who are looking at your map is a little extra chance that they'll download it rather than give you the guidelines speech And i understand its your first serious map so i wasnt expecting gold or anything but i you have to be told the good AND the bad. Since i have some added time ill throw some added tips for makng puzzles I f you place a vehicle /turret nearthe other side of a wall correctly people can get into it moving tem to the other side of the wall. By manipulating spawns for grav lifts you can make it so blowing one grav lift up with cause noe somewhere else to spawn. (maybe set the "switch grav lift somewhere shootable and have the spawning one lift a goose inot a mancannon whcih fires it to the room?) gravity hammers can be given to allow people to jump higher or further, ie hide a hammer that is necessary to clear a jump. Oh and one thing i personelly hate about puzzles is when they make a really complicatedpiece...but its so vague youll never EVER guess maybe find someway to leave clues. Aguy i know screwed with shadows so you could see where hidden turrets/gooses were. Theres other switches and things that dont come to mind right now But good luck making Stumped!v2 or some such project
I pretty much knew about all of those, but I didn't want to make one of those impossible to get through without help maps. To be honest though, I have started getting more interesting in making competitive maps for slayer, CTF ect. I added my recent map, Blind Sighting. Which I think I did a good job on. Thanks for the input. I do plan to make another map again since everyone who has played this one that I knew basically demanded it. Except you . They really liked it and none of them saw that grav lift. I don't see how you saw it in plain sight. Also, I always have to do a grenade jump to get to it, I don't see how you just jumped right onto it, unless you used an upright barrel.
i could see it through the fence box. If you jump form a barrel theres a ridge you can et on easily and then jump to the box