What has been your halo 3 moment that has gotten you to go crazy over it? It can be stolen exterms, lag fests, lagging out of an important game, hacked account, your teamates making you lose ur 50, or possibly problems with ur forge maps that doesnt let u make it as good that it can possibly be? ( budget or geometry problems )... Mine would be today i get a nice triple in mlg and the overkill is on my screen with my sniper scoped on the dino but my teamate betrayed me... Tell me about yours.
sneezing and getting a double splatter in a ghost, classic. i couldnt see and i heard a thump, followed promtly by a second thump, when i opened my eyes, i had two splatters and a double kill, like i said, classic.
I got a 2 for 1 and then choked on an easy snipe for the triple as the flag carrier for the Extermination walked around the corner in MLG.
When I wanted to get my first 35 in doubles, my partner that was better than me was messing with my head. He got me to 34 and then when I was 1 game away from my 35, he would purposely loose the game terribly until I went down... He made it seem so convincing that I didnt notice that he was doing it... I eventually got my 35 alone and swore to never play with him...
Im,I played earlier yesterday,and I got lasered,but the vehicle kept going,and got me a splatter from the grave.
Yesterday in Social (yeah i know social big whoop) we were getting our can's handed to us till i picked up the snipe. Got the overkill extermination, then my teammate blew up some fusion coils and i went flying. Needless to say we lost the game.
Its not myn but this is what happened to my best friend: He was on valhalla in a banshee and he noticed there team spreading out a little round the centre and he swooped in and splatered all 5 of them and got a banshee splatter extermination. Now here comes the funny part, 2 weeks later hes going through theatre and he acsidently deleted the film and can't get it back.
I threw a sticky grenade, which blew up the other teams sticky grenade he had just thrown, killing his teammate right next to him, and rewarding me with that kill
MLG on Narrows. I meet up with a team of 4 second accounts going in by myself. Right near the beginning, I'm at Blue Afro, I out-BR one guy, grenade a sniper for a double kill. The guy I had out BRed threw a martydom grenade at the last second which sent me flying backwards because I had jumped...while I'm in the air and turning around I catch the sniper rifle in mid air and noscope a guy at top mid (still in the air). Landing, I run up, look at spawns with my sniper for the overkill exterm.... and see their whole team there...and then see them explode from 2 rockets from a teammate at top mid, who gets an overkill exterm. FML.