I understand the whole not legally allowed to give consent thing, but that is basically saying that sex is a bad thing. Seems to me its just another way for the government to take away something that feels good. PS. I did not post this in debates for a reason. I don't feel like arguing just wanna know if I am the only person who thinks its a stupid law.
Two people under 18 are technically allowed to have sex. It's legal. For a minor (1 and an overage person (18+) then that's illegal, and can be considered rape, even disregarding the younger partners testimony, if they decide to do one.
Because if you get pregnant when you're 15 you will almost undoubtedly have a ****ed up life. It should only be illegal to have unprotected sex under the age of 18.
In Florida, if you are under 18 you are not legally allowed to give consent to have sex, so both individuals can be charged with rape, although it is usualy the man.
Yeah, sorry forgot about state laws. I might even think it's illegal here too then. I haven't really checked. But now realizing that, isn't it stupid? What are the charges against two partners? They had sex? It seems foolish. But I understand the whole possibly pregnant thing.
I think it might have to do with being a "christian nation" and waiting until you're married...but I'm not sure, I'll just go with the pregnancy thing to make sure I don't sound like an idiot. Yep. Its the pregnancy.
Just out of curiosity, do schools in your areas do anything to aid this? I know there is a basket filled with condoms in my nurses office. Anyone is allowed to walk in and take one with no questions asked.
I went to a Catholic High School so they didn't have those. Sex was something that was not even mentioned. Not even in health class were sex, pregnancies, or STDs mentioned. Maybe it has something to do with the whole abstinence is the only right policy thing that the catholic church pushes on people. On another note I might be wrong but i think here it might be that if one partner is 18 the other cannot be more than too years younger? I don't think that is true but that's what someone told me once
Because most people under the age of 18 are going through puberty... Horny times = Wanting Sex = Regardless of Condom = Pregnant girl = Screwed up life for both. Then to make things worse most couples divorce once they reach 18 leaving one with the baby... Most parents are against this and find it immoral regardless and lots of other things...
Every state has a different Age of Sexual Consent. It usually ranges from 16 - 18 and it varies from state to state. I'm not sure on the exact laws of it, but I'm pretty sure that it just means you can't **** til' you meet the states determined age. No one usually gives a **** about it, obviously.
Most schools now adays teach people about sex and other things in hope you are responsable and not getting pregnent at a young age. Also i take it your americian seeing as you said 18 because i live in england and its 16 over here.
Hum, i see this being true over anything else... People just need come common-sense though to most people this is hard to find. But yeah what radiant said is about it.
Not always the case but this is more or less why. At that age, your parents take care of most of your responsibilities. You can't do the same when your under 18 as you're not really taking care of yourself fully.
Typical ****ing teenager. Sexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsex**** THE LAWsexsexsexsexsexI HATE AUTHORITYsexsexsexsexsex. Call me a sheep. I dare you.
I lol'd 18- kids are, for the most part, immature, inexperienced, and have their whole lives ahead of them. Why wreck that with a baby? But then that brings in abortions and stuff... so it all kinda comes down to what's morally correct and what's not.
Condoms. Use them. My opinion on abortions is that it should only be used when the mother's life is threatened, or in rape cases. If me and my girlfriend have sex, and my condom just so happens to be one of the 17% failures, then we'll accept that consequence. (Incidentally my girlfriend is pro-choice, but for entirely different reasons that I'd rather not get into). Answering OP, it depends on your state law. But where I live, it's legal for two consenting minors to have sex. It's illegal for a 17+ to have sex with a 17-year old (or younger). And OP, you sound exactly like my classmate. He's taking American Justice, and for no real reason, he's complaining about how, hypothetically, if he was 18 and his hypothetical girlfriend was hypothetically 17, it would be illegal for him to have sex with her and his name would go on the public sex offender listing.
Australia its 16 to have sex. Just 3 more weeks. 3 more weeks till i can drive. Some might questions these laws, but imagine life without it. Besides the occoasinal 1000 person ****, think of how many more teen pregnancies there would be. Ultimatly leading to more screwed up lives. Which leads to a worse of economy. Which then leads to another depression..... All in all, ofc we need this.
If it was legal, the same amount of minors would still have sex, they just wouldn't have to worry about the law.