Ookay. Look. I can tell that you're posting all these CnC threads, and then when people give you actual advice, you don't follow it. Tips to getting better at signature making: 1. Use a smaller canvas. I'd suggest 350x130 to start out. It's a good size. 2. Listen to the other people. They have good advice, so try to follow it. 3. Work on your sigs for 1-5 days. The more time the better it gets. So spend the time, otherwise, you'll never improve. 4. Don't post so many CnC threads. Post threads with that prefix only if you feel you've got something good going on, and are willing to work on it. 5. Don't use renders. They're good to start off with, but pretty soon here you're going to want to use stocks.
well the word mario should be slightly bigger, white and surronded by a few stars. Last of all i would try to blur his arm less.