I need a map for a machinima that I'm working on, I need it to be on Sandbox. Mandatory Requirements: -Must be on Sandbox -Must look like a temple -Must be geomerged into the sand Things I would like to see: -Interior room(s) built in the sky bubble -One very large interior room similar to the control room for the rings. -As little interlocking as possible, this needs to look real* not ascetically pleasing If you make a map please post it here following the map posting guidelines. *as in you can clearly see that each block is a separate piece of 'stone'. Please remember that THIS MAP IS BEING MADE FOR NON GAME PLAY PURPOSES.
I can do this most likely. build a shity version and recomend it to me. Or i am online now and just invite me.
II made a model in blender and took some screenshots. the gold thing is the sand dune, and the purple thing is the temple, I'd like the opening of the temple to line up with the giant gold strip running through the middle of the main level. For scale referance the entrance is as tall as a double block and as wide as two double blocks end to end. TOP VIEW: SIDEVIEW: FRONT VIEW:
You are contradicting your self. You say: and then you say You also say and then you say you want it in the skybubble. So, what are you really looking for?
So you want a temple on normal sandbox, but with doors or something leading to the interior which is in the skybubble? Do you want another temple being built in the skybubble or what? Wouldn't it just be simpler to build it in the first temple? And are we credited for this machinima?
I need the temple to look buried in the sand dunes, that's why the interior can't be built whit the rest of the structure. why would you not receive credit?
You said you want it to be geomerged into the sand but built in skybubble? so where do you wont it built?
Why don't you PM iTz Fuzzywig and ask him if you could use his map; Sandheart Manor? It's very asthetic and you could probably just take out the weapons. It's built right in the Sand Dunes and it looks like a Temple almost. Here's a Link : http://www.forgehub.com/forum/casual-maps/74133-sandheart-manor.html
I want the exterior built gemerged into the sand dune and the interior built in the sky bubble. Why is this so hard to understand?
I understand Version. As its machinima he will film the outside on the sandbox, whilst when inside he will film the area created in the skybubble. A very good idea I might try this tomoz Version Ill add you as a friend on here, so i can update you if i do
What version2 is trying to say people is he wants a "mock" temple for lack of better words built into the sand dunes as an illusion. He needs the interior design in the skybubble because it'll be closed off so its not noticable anyways in the machinima. I think. I'm fairly sure.
why are you posting if you can't help? I need this map sooner rather than later, it's for the first episode and I'd like to get it filmed and ready for editing before the middle of september.
I see what you are saying. I'll toss some ideas around and start making it. If I get a good idea i'll have it here within 2 weeks.