Took a bit of a break (phah, like you'd have noticed) and these are two I whipped up whilst away. CnC please ;].
Your style is sick, man. I have to say, out of all the styles here on FH I might like yours the best. It really is the quintessential sig style. Anways, the second one is better, but only because of the goofy smudging in the first one and the oversharpened distortion.
the samus one is beasty but it seems the focus is more on her chest which i dont really get but everything is really good the first one is okay but the thing that i like about the first is how is looks like it is disintegrating like he got shot with kinda futuristic bullet
Hehe, okay, so when I sharpen my smudging enough to the point where it's noticeable, it starts artifacting. Or whatever the term is. And some of it changes colors... I guess what I'm asking is, what filters do you apply to your smudging?
ok, well, (i still don't quite understand ) when you have the base of your sig done with your smudging, does the smudging stick out? Also, what sig, there are two different smudges, sooo. . .
The first one needs bigger text in a different color font (unsure of color). The second one i like alot but personly i would use slightly bigger text.
^thanks . lock: hmm. It's a pack i got ages ago, i'll see if i can fish it out ;]. EDIT: HUGE pack, you might want to clear some stuff before getting it.