MLG Racing map! (Uncheatable race) This map is truely ucheatable and fun to play! Download map here: : Halo 3 File Details Download game variant here: : Halo 3 File Details Three simple rules too follow: #1. If you kill someone or back stab someone you get -2 Points. #2. You get one point per lap, you need to make 10 laps. #3.Only one player per mongoose. Here are some pictures: Starting line: A nice banked turn for a start: First jump: 180* turn: 2nd jump: 2nd banked turn: mini bump: 180* turn #2: 90* turn: Uncheatable Destination! Overview #1: Overview #2: My friends Loved it, hope you will enjoy. Please download and comment.
Wouldn't it just be MLR? Major League Gaming Racing sounds silly. Anyway, if it's like a first or second attempt at a race track, it's decent. Other than the sloppiness, my two complaints are: You were lazy on the banked turns, I hate when people make a slanted rectangle instead of a nice curve, my friend did that. AND It's a bit skinny.
I like this style you've got going here. It's not like the double wide sky tracks we've been seeing lately. I like the whole, turn, straight-away, turn, straight-away type of track just as much. Although it could be neater, this track looks pretty nice.
I addmit I was a bit lazzy but the point of this banked turn, is too be just enough angled too do a drift try it out you will see
I myself love mongoose driving, so I always love new racetracks on this, i'm not sure why you put "MLG" infront as theres nothing MLG about it, just a track. I do like the -2 points thing for killing but maybe only 1 as otherwise it would take 2 laps just to catch up. But I do like this map, the "too skinny" thing is rubbish, if you doubled the width then it would theoretically half the track as it seems to use all the crypt, and to be honest, one double width is fine for any half decent driver on this sort of track, as you cant fall off. I do like the layout as the crypt is hard to build tracks in (due to space). Yeah the turns need work, but only aesthetically, if you can turn and drift (which I take your word for, for now) then thats all you need, just clean it up a bit and then it'll be good... maybe change the name... "Major Racing" or something...
If the banks were curved, the track would look like every other freakin' racetrack out there -- curvy, bendy crap with no creativity or new ideas. They all look the same.
I really love your walling design, but I see a bit of sloppiness in it. The track kind of reminds me of a motocross track, which some people might complain about, but I think it's a different approach than most maps these days. I've really never tried making a race track map, and I don't really download many of them, so maybe it's just me. I'm not going to repeat what everyone has said about the MLG stuff, so just read what they said, and that's basically what I'd have said.
looks aight, the rectangular-hill style is definitely new to me. some parts look a bit sloppy, but that could easilly be cleaned up. the only big if for me is the uncheatable looks super sketchy and its only about 3/4 a block wide, while the rest of the track it 2 wide. i think everyone else has covered the "not mlg" comments, so ill leave it at that
Hey Carbonne Its DANJESS99 i test your map and wow i love it but the first banked turn have a litle bug ! When you turn to at the down at the turn youre stuck ! Change That !
I need to get one thing straight before I review this map. All you people who said that the half-pipe banks new and creative; look back through the pages of this forum. Half-pipe banks were popular once, and their time has passed. Banked skytrack is at its peak in popularity, while themes and creative maps are gaining in popularity fast. The half-pipe bank is not original or creative, or even well executed at that. The forging is rather sloppy. To your map and gametype: Your MLG Racing variant is a rip-off of Raceway/RACETRACKS. Both of those gametypes do not allow killing and have simple 1 point laps to ten. Nothing special about your gametype at all and honestly that makes me want to download it less. The map itself has been done so many times before, and yours isn't necessarily better than the others. Your forging on the actual map is extremely sloppy. Forging: 2/5 Aesthetics: 1/5 Originality: 0/5 Gameplay 3/5 Overall: 1.5/5- Final Comments: Needs to be improved. Make the turns and barricading neater. Add more aesthtics.
Iagree with you, but the purpuse of "copying" RACETRACKS was to make it more competitive by putting a diffrent number of lap so that peaple do not get boerd and strat spawn killing at the start or messing the race up. I have never, on my other maps , put much time in barricading . for example, my other map (that I dident post on forge hub due that it is in foundry) has poor barracading to beacause it only took me half an hour. but I see your point and I could do a V3 or even put a diffrent name on... but I need some time and I will have to REmake the post and take some space of my file share.... I would gladly appreciate having some one helping me. thanks for your comment.
sounds like u never heard of, theres already a gametype 4 racetracks. anyways this track is alright