True: Created by Metroshell Download Now! (Note: In some of the screenshots, stairs are missing because they weren't set to 'spawn at start'. I fixed the downloadable map, so you don't have to fix those problems after you download it.) Description: True, name involving Bulltrue, has an Energy Sword in the middle of the map and a shotgun on each side of the map. With a Sniper Rifle, Invisibility, & Power Drain on the roof of the middle construct, the roof is a main priority to get to. When on the roof, you can go for any of the three and sometimes all 3. Let's give a possible scenario. The opposing team got the sniper rifle first. You would grab the power drain, deploy it and obliterate the sniper with your primary weapon. Therefore, if you're the first one to get the sniper rifle, either grab the power drain quickly or get the hell out of there. Two Maulers and a Plasma Pistol also spawn on the roof. There are about 5 different ways to go at the beginning of the game. 1. Stay at the starting base, grab the BR, and look at the roof for oncoming enemies. 2. Go out the left side entrance of the starting base and stick to the farthest wall to your left. Once you run into the wire spools, jump on them and turn 90 degrees right. Jump through the shield door you're looking at. (Note: This is faster than jumping on the door.) 3. Go out either side entrance of the starting base. Stick to the wall you're closest to and follow it until you hit an obstacle (ex. Wire Spool, Wall). Then turn away from the wall you were sticking to and go into the "tunnel". You can either grab a BR or a Shotgun. There is, also, a Regenerator in the "tunnel". 4. Go out either side entrance of the starting base. Go up the center stairs and grab the SMG. Break the pallets in front of you and guard the Energy Sword spawn point. 5. Go out either side entrance of the starting base. Go up one of the two bridges. Now that you're on the roof, you can fight for the sniper rifle, invisibility, or power drain. Compatible Gametypes: 2-Team Slayer & 2-Team Assault Reccomended Capacity: 4-8 Players Weapons/Equipment: Human: 2 Shotguns 1 Sniper Rifle 2 SMG's 6 Battle Rifles Covenant: 1 Plasma Pistol 2 Plasma Rifles 2 Needlers 2 Carbines (kind of hidden) 1 Energy Sword 2 Plasma Grenades Brute: 2 Spikers 4 Spike Grenades Miscellaneous: 2 Regenerators 1 Power Drain 1 Powerup (Invisibility) Download it and test it out with a friend! DL Now...
The interlocking doesnt look to hot, and it seems sort of empty in places. I suggest you add more scenery. (crates, wirespools, barrels, FC's, etc.)
I've played on this map with 8 people and the gameplay is amazing. I suggest you try the map out with 8 people and report back.
Ahh, yes you have. It was on Forge Hub, but after they changed the look of the site, I thought I would have to post again. Is my old post gone forever or was this new thread just a waste of time, Goose?
Hmmm... then your old post definately needs to be locked. I find it a little hard to believe you thought it needed to be posted again, considering that all the other posts you had seen from the old forgehub were still up and running. Anywho, just remeber to contact a moderator about locking one of your two posts.
this map is pretty cool.i like the setup,but the interlocking is kinda messy and u could make it look neater
Yes. I am thinking about doing a remake of this map, making it neater and changing the spawn points around a little.