Death Race Created by RaysFan16 Supported Gametypes: Slayer or Forge will work perfectly fine. This is a map where you go on the track with a mongoose but it is not really a race. You just try to complete the map as fast as possible. i guaruntee that you wont pass this the first try. Starting Spawn, get on a goose and go. First jump is kinda hard, takes a little getting used to. Biggest jump on the map. Choose which way you want to go. Almost there! If you get this far you're almost done. Please Download. Download Map Here: : Halo 3 File Details can i get some feedback please?
doesent look smooth ... not realy worth DLing . try merging it makes the track more driveble and more fun to play and it doesent seem THAT hard to me.
I agree with that. It looks very boring sorry. No dowload but maybe if you try making more smooth and maybe a track that is 1v1 or something, like see who gets the destination first.