Benzu13's Trial

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Benzu Akamaru, Jul 14, 2009.

  1. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Greetings, you may call me Benzu13. This is my first time posting a map on forgehub, so cut me some slack. I'm really not sure if I did anything correctly, espescially regarding screenshots, so give me constructive criticism.
    Benzu13's Trial is a Jumpsticle course (jump/obstacle), I am not posting it because its finely forged [which it sadly isn't], but because nobody has beaten it so far...CAN YOU???

    This is the spawning room, where you spawn. The teleporter in front of you leads to the beginning of the trial, as the bottom two are checkpoints to be later reached.
    This is an overview of the first series of jumps. And in the distance... the death tunnel. Many people give up here.
    Dee dee dee!
    A series of jumps leading to the teleporter. Probably one of the harder jumps.
    This is the next few obstacles leading to a teleporter. You may want to save your bruteshot ammo unless there's no other way.
    Tough luck on this map if you can't wedge jump.
    The set of [difficult] wall-to-wall jumps leading to the first checkpoint. HINT: You will need to use your bruteshot on one of these jumps.
    The checkpoint system: The reciever node is pushed by a grav lift that can only be destroyed from the behind via spike grenade. TIP: You can now save two spike grenades for some hard jumps, they're not necessary, but they help.
    Series of jumps leading up to a mancannon...
    AN EVIL MANCANNON! It only works half of the time [if even]. I recommend humbling yourself before it and asking it grant your passage.
    A "B", and an "E."
    An "N" and a..."Z"??
    "U 13"! What does it all spell??
    Successful jump to letter Z?
    The final checkpoint and an overview of some of the first jumps.
    What's that in the distance... is it a custom powerup? Is this the end...?
    No! You first have to pass this!

    Download map

    Download gametype

    The Contest is over. And the winner is...

    You can see his runs here
    Benzu13's Trial
    Benzu13's Quiz
    Benzu13's Test

    And no... you cannot steal the prize if you beat his times. He won legit.
    You can now resume your life.

    P.S. You WILL get a smaller reward if you beat it now, though. You'll just have to see...
    #1 Benzu Akamaru, Jul 14, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2009
  2. avocado100

    avocado100 Ancient
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    the pictures are not working
  3. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
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    Well I did not see any screenshots, so I will try to help you out. The easiest way to embed screenshots, in my opinion, is to use All you need to do is take the screenshots while on XBL and then go to haloscreenshots and enter your gamertag. After a little while it will have you screenshots ready. Then all you need to do is copy the BBcode and paste it straight into this thread (you do not need to start a new thread, just click edit) and you should have some nice screenshots to show off your work. If you need any more help you can PM me. Hope this helps!

    Oh and avocado100 please do not just spam the forums. Try to at least be helpful in some way!
    #3 ehand88, Jul 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2009
  4. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yay! I got the screenshots in!
    #4 Benzu Akamaru, Jul 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2009
  5. RedXxXBuddha

    RedXxXBuddha Ancient
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    the map looks great but next time you might want to take the pictures in a custom game so the grid isn't there but i'll download and try it out
  6. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I did it in forge mode because it would take WAAY too long to reach each point via custom game. Monitor mode makes it so much easier to traverse the map, otherwise I would have spent hours respawning. P.S. Thanks for the download.
  7. Wu pmouse

    Wu pmouse Ancient
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    well u dont actually have to do the whole map, just take screens of it part by part

    now on the map, I think you did a very great job on it, I like challenges, but next time change the gametype to oddball or KOTH because it just looks better with teams
  8. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Sure. IF I ever make any more challenges. But I chose VIP because it's sorta meant to be completed by one person. But anyway, the Benzu13 Challenges may be my last. I think I'm gonna work on competitive maps for a while now.
  9. Mooshg

    Mooshg Staff
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    This map could use interlocking to make it look nice. 1.5/5

    Senior Member

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    Yeah, the grid makes it obvious that even you couldn't complete your own map. lol, I'm only joking but next time try custom games, that way the grid isn't there. you can always add unseeable things that could help the process go by faster.

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