Veraduct, is an open map (with towers blocked off) that contains 2 major elements. The first, is that you will find that you spawn at different rooms where you will pick up your gear and teleport to your homebase where you will disperse to take over the surrounding ruins and inner bases. The second major element is the variety of bases you will need to take over to score points. The Home Bases There are two home bases in total on either side of the map. This is were you will find yourself after you go through your teleporter. Both home bases are identical and contain the same number of vehicles. You will find a bubble shield near your territory marker and an open window with a machine gun turret. There is a variety of vehicles you will find outside of your base that will only spawn as time progresses. As you begin, you will find your basic vehicles, two mongooses and a machine gun warthog. Later on, a gauss warthog will spawn, then a scorpion and a passenger hornet. Keep your vehicles alive as best as you can as you will find that they wont respawn for some time. The front bunkers allow cover for snipers or any other infantry defending your home base. There is a missile pod and plasma grenades that will spawn frequently in the cover. Keep your eye on the open roof, as passenger hornet will try to drop infantry in through the top. The Inner Bases The Inner Bases are more open bases that will only provide cover from ground vehicles and infantry (until infantry enter the base). The inner bases are highly vulnerable to hornets and a skilled sniper could easily take out infantry who are trying to take them over. There is a chopper behind each Inner Base and you will find a bubble shield near the marker for good cover that will only last a short time. The inner bases have something unique, they have over-shields on the markers that will spawn frequently so you have more of a chance to survive the onslaught you will endure from the opposing forces. There is a machine gun turret placed in the front of each base to add extra defense. A skilled hornet pilot could easily overcome these defenses so watch out while defending the inner bases. The Outer Bases The Outer Bases are relatively small platforms with little crawl space underneath where only infantry can take over. You may find these difficult to takeover when there are infantry inside the structure. The infantry with the best chance while taking this base over is the shotgun/rocket trooper, mainly because they have the ability to take out troops at close range. There are little resources that you will find useful here, other than a gravity hammer for those infantry who do no have the weapons necessary to take the base over. These Outer Bases are located directly to the sides of the Inner Bases. You can easily gain the upper hand by taking these bases mainly because there is a wall near it where you will find the heaviest weapon on the map, The Spartan Laser. They are extremely limited so use them wisely and keep them from the opposing team at all costs! Infantry Classes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assault/ Main Infantry: Gear: Battle Rifle, Assault Rifle, Frags, Deployable Cover. Description: The Main Infantry is the backbone of your forces that you will need to takeover the bases and provide basic support in combat. Main Infantry can use their cover to protect themselves and their teammates during combat, they can also press opposing forces back while moving to other enemy controlled bases. These units are at their best while defending their homestead. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CQB/ Heavy Weapons specialists: Gear: Rocket Launcher, Shotgun, Trip Mine. Description: The CQB/ Heavy Weapons Specialists are extremely powerful but also restricted to short range combat. They are extremely powerful when attacking enemy vehicles who are dumb enough to cross their path. Heavy Weapons Specialists can places trip mines at entrances to provide extra defense for any type of base. This class has a strong weakness towards Snipers and Main Infantry, but don't underestimate this class either. They deliver a punch to any heavy weapons the opposing forces are using. Be mindful. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snipers/ Long Range: Gear: Sniper Rifle, Regenerator Description: The Sniper Class is easily the greatest advantage on the battlefield due to their extremely long range scoping abilities and stinging accuracy. The Sniper class can provide themselves and other troops with health which will give you the upper hand in any circumstance. The Sniper Classes biggest opposition is the deadly Infiltrator Class. Snipers have no radar while trying to scope in on their enemies, therefor it will be easy to sneak up on a defenseless sniper. If you get this class don't feel too empowered, in this game, you ALWAYS have a weakness. Keep your eyes peeled. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Infiltrators/ Special Class: Gear: Energy Sword, Radar Jammer, Custom Power-up. Description: The Infiltrators. This class is easily the most unique class in the game. One slice into your enemy will kill them instantly. You run twice as fast as your fellow troops and of course, you are completely invisible to the naked eye. Keep in mind, you are very easy to kill and the opposing forces will easily detect you on their radar. A skilled troop can even see you if they are lucky enough to see the ripple in time. **The custom power up only lasts for 90 seconds , I wish I was able to change that but unfortunately there is not a setting that lets you maintain the ability forever, so I am very sorry but I did the best I could on this one** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The map itself took quite a while to make, I put everything I have learned about forging into it and I did the best I could at every aspect of the map. The game type is perfect for the map so be sure to download both! When I was done with testing the map with some friends, it occurred to me that the game is extremely similar to one of the greatest games of all time, Star Wars BattleFront. Haha, but I had no intention of platforming off of the idea. But anyway, I hope you all enjoy the game! Thanks! The Map Veraduct- Click here! The Gametype Takeover- Click here! Bare with me while I correct the screenshots in the post... ~GLORY All corrections have been made to the screenshots. Please, reply if you find something out of place or if you find any problems. Thanks! ~GLORY
Nice map, but it belongs in the casual maps section. Please remember to check where you are posting your map.
Okay, I'm not trying to spam you, just to inform you. Even though this map seems highly skillful and competitive, if it doesn't play standard gametypes or MLG gametypes (then it would be in the MLG section), then it belongs to the casual section. And by the way, don't be a hater, at least allow the Beam rifle in with the Sniper class. Because there will always be those guys (like me) who just can't aim with a sniper but with a Beam rifle; and also the Beam rifle is different in that it's easier to noscope with, as this can add a new skill to the standard gameplay.
This looks like a god map with technical gameplay, I have one major concern, you said that there were territories and theres the crypt bases, does that mean you can get into the crypt base? or that its a territory you can take but never lose? because the latter would annoy me if I was winning but I couldn't just take everything. =). Also where are the teleports into those bases as I couldn't see them anywhere (sorry if there obviously stated)
I'm sorry it's not in the right section, I'm not a pro at posting so I wasn't aware that this should have been in the casual maps section. I'm not trying to purposely spam or anything but now i understand why it should be in casual maps and it won't happen again. As for the other comments about the game itself, there is not a base that will be unable to be taken. the crypt is closed off, the picture you saw of the crypt is an overview of the spawn/ ranking system. Also, for the home bases, I placed two receiver nodes inside the base and two outside, to prevent spawn camping. Also to prevent spawn camping it is enclosed and has several ways of defense, like the bubble shield and etc. Of course, I do admit, spawn camping may happen to a small degree but it's preventable. Obviously, if you're a one man army going against eight enemies you're bound to get majorly owned as soon as you leave to go to the home base. But that's your responsibility to create even teams. haha **and please if anyone can take this post and put it in casual games I would be extremely grateful, for I do not know anyone who can!** thanks
it could be cool to play a slayer match out of sandbox ! and the spawn onder the map its not realy a good idae because some one camp at the teleport and its finish for the team !
...? that makes less sense then playing marco polo with helen keller. get your facts straight before you criticize something. are you even aware of where the teleporters are? and how is it not a good idea? oh and try putting some grammar into that sentence! also, what does playing slayer on sandbox have anything to do with this. stop spamming. if i liked spam i'd have moved to england by now.
After playing the map I found it well made. We played with 12 people and it played great. The class system worked nice and led to a nice territories game. I highly recommend this game.
This is a great map but I dont care much for the spawns, you might consider simply placing the weapons in the bases With a few changes this might even work for competetive gameplay
so whats wrong with the spawns? i tested them with 16 people and it worked nicely. i think the class system makes things a lot more fun. you never know which class ur goin to get next and none are overpowered. and vehicles are thrown in the mix which makes it chaotic. a real big team war game
Do you know how to Ghost-Merge? It could be really helpful for a map like that with the objects in the sand... There is a link... HD | Ghost Merging Tutorial Video - Halo 3 Game - MLG Game Room@@AMEPARAM@@ And I like the flag spawns... so you can't really camp in your base.
yeah i know how to do all that. the reason why i even put all the debris everywhere was because when i finished the map i had a ton of huge wedges and stuff (the map was stacked)