Anyone else hate these types of kids?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by elvins97, Aug 3, 2009.

  1. HoW Jones

    HoW Jones Ancient
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    Customs are dead outside this site. It's either social, COD, or crap.
  2. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    It's quite natural to try and change someone because they are being arrogant.

    Just don't play with them.
    I'm also not going to bother questioning the truth of this story. I mean, Fat Kid on Sandtrap? Why didn't you quit then?
  3. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure everybody knows little kids are stupid, and that if you're 13+ you basically outrank them in real life anyway. My question is, why the **** would you turn the tables so that you are playing on THEIR terms? Never join a little kid's party. NEVER. And no matter how cool they seem despite their age, don't accept party invites, game invites, or if your like me, even friend requests, because you can bet your ass all their FRIENDS are retarded even if you think the individual isn't. I'm usually not discriminatory, but science proves age=maturity 99.999% of the time and it's actually unnatural to act like a kid as an adult, or act like an adult as a kid.
    #23 ZANDER1994, Aug 3, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2009
  4. ape man 117

    ape man 117 Ancient
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    Once none of my friends are online i check recent played, and join anyone possible.
    Late late one night (about 4:00am) I was playing and I joined a game of fat kid, the round had just started over so, lucky me, I was infected next. I hadn't even seen the map yet, so I was like "ok this will suck but at least I get to play a map I've never seen before" WRONG! It started and i was instantly assassinated, then I spawned and looked around, only to find it was a blank canvas! 100 kills later, round was over, didn't feel like forging or matchmaking so i stayed, mic is broken, can't say anything, so as i message the party leader and told him that a had great mlg, infection, race, ctf, oddball, puzzle, etc. maps, as soon as he was done reading he said (not even 9 years old) "**** you, If you can't appreciate good forging and game type craftsmanship then get the hell out! (BOOT). I almost cried from mixed emotions of hysterical laughter, depression, anger, and he all around made me feel retarded that i tried to reason with him.

    MORAL: Don't argue with someone stupid, they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
  5. elvins97

    elvins97 Ancient
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    I tried to convince them otherwise. Then they started comlaining about how I whine and booted me.
  6. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Then why the hell do you care about these guys, anyway? They sound like down syndrome-afflicted little dickwads with their arrogant heads up their asses. I really, really, wouldn't worry about them. Just move past them.
  7. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    WTF!? I know how you feel I joined a friends party once and the leader was a child like 5 years old and he's swearing I can hear his parents talking in the background and he's like shut the F*** up you guys suck at parenting and I'm telling him not to talk to his parents like that and he's like go suck one so I swear back (good thing my parents aren't home) and tell him to play a good map for halo and guess what the zombies are stuck in a cage nothing for them to escape and everybody is over killing the zombie with gauss hogs scorpions, snipers, BR's, splasers, and everything and yet again tell him to play a good map he's swearing like crazy and boots me, Then he sends me a msg saying HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH MOFO!!!!!! GO SUCK ONE!!!!! and im saying i think i'll pass and what do you know another msg **** YOU, YOU DON'T KNOW A GOOD MAP WHEN YOU SEE ONE!!!!!!! and for 3 DAYS STRAIGHT I WAS GETTING SPAMMED BY A LITTLE 5 YEAR OLD!
  8. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Lulz... I had a fight with some kid yesterday about whether or not Judgement on the last day (**** Zombies Remake) was a remake of the first level of **** Zombies or not. So while we were playing it, he was like "What is this? Is this supposed to be fun?" And I told him it was a **** Zombies remake. He was all like "No it's not!" And it went on from then until the match ended, and he decided to leave to go find out whether or not it was a **** Zombies remake. It was the dumbest fight I'd ever had... Kinda reminded me of the fights I have with my brother where he calls me stupid, and then rips on me for calling him gay while he's trying to grab my ass. Little kids don't need logic to fight, they just fight for the hell of it even when they know they're wrong.

    Edit: By the way, if you haven't noticed this coincidence yet. But Fat Kid is named Fat Kid not just because of the gametype settings, but also because of the types of people who enjoy it.
    #28 Conkerkid11, Aug 4, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2009
  9. Cryoraptor

    Cryoraptor Ancient
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    I honestly would just leave if they didn't show me any respect. I don't take any pleasure playing with retards. What you could do is be nice to them and keep inviting random players from your friends or recent players list and maybe they won't be so considerate. If they don't want critisim they'll learn the hard way that THEY don't know what they are doing. Asking for party leader would probably be a bad idea as 70% of the time you won't get it on games where you don't know the party leader. I would of suggested another map and given them the details and maybe even boasted that "I am a member of forge hub and I"m the bomb" so share the wealth pal. You could also play something that isn't cops and robbers. I have a map I made in like 15 minutes and its fun to play OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. And I have maps that have taken over an hour and nobody liked.
  10. Tartan Spartan

    Tartan Spartan Ancient
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    I very, very much prefer playing with much more mature people on Halo 3.

    I can have a good fun game. But what I hate the most is when people who visit this site, ask for a map to be tested when it is unbelievably not a map and more of random objects in no sort of pattern. Yes, if they havent seen how a professional map looks, they would assume that their's is a work of art. But if they can manage to find out about testing via this site, then they surely would have looked at the maps here and get a rough estimate of the quality needed.

    Which brings me to one solution: These kids are obviously mutated retards from another planet who got Halo3 for their Christmas and think Fat kid is the best game mode ever vecause it reflects upon themselves. Fat, retarded and after being abused for so long they finally end it all. (Fat Kid gets shot so much he ends the game or quits it.)

    On another note, people who ****ing use the internet to act tough or threaten people they would never see is quite sad. I never get abused off of people in my school because they know I will come for them. Im not trying to sound tough either, but if I get abused off of people who try to act tough infront of their friends I will knock them out! And I hate American children because they are nowhere near me so I feel so helpless and I argue with them so much my throat goes sore.
  11. TehRandomBoi

    TehRandomBoi Ancient
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    Though I'm a year younger than the kids that you describe, I actually enjoy the maps here, as do my friends GameMaster73 (retarded name but a cool dude) and TERMINATOR1492. Then there's this 17 year old who invites me to be a friend, is real cool for about a week then starts being a douche and saying that every map that I make sux, every map from forgehub sux and claims that he makes better maps, even though most of his maps consist 80% of fusion coils, power weapons, crappy forging and zombie bases which are usually tubes or Double box opens. Then he says that a staged epic fail is worth being on top 10, and says mine isn't, even though it was a Rocket deflected back to myself and suicided.

    I'm just saying, it isn't age, but it's stupidity.
  12. used man

    used man Ancient
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    I played with this friend of mine, and he was playing fat kid. I kept saying that we should play manifest, he finally gave in and said one round from the next game. which of course turned out to be an entire game. to make it worse, one of them said "comeon, put down the ****in twinkie and run" a million times. when i finally got manifest up, they all hated it. *facepalm* and went back to fatkid.
  13. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    moral of the story:
    never play fat kid
  14. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    Amen to that
  15. Darksircam

    Darksircam Ancient
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    Never played with that kind of people. Just leave party. Saves you a lot of time.
    The Custom Games I've played are really simple, fun but boring after a few games.
    A Sandtrap game was somewhat interesting. Zombies had 300% speed, Swords, Alpha also had Grav Hammer. Everything else default. Humans spawned with magnums, default stats. And then it was just a huge pile of ground vehicles in one corner of the map. Almost everyone got Ghosts and Gauss Hogs. And for some reason, I used a Prowler. Got a killapocalypse going in circles splattering every sword zombie who came near.
  16. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    leave and nap. thats all you do. if you leave, then you can laugh at them later, and if you nap, then you arnt bored untill some friends come online. plus, naps are cool.
  17. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    I hate these stupid people that have no respect for other gamers likes and dislikes and only play games they like, although as a few people have said it isnt always younger gamers but older gamers can be like this aswell. And it isnt always games like fatkid that can be used, almost every gametype can be annoying. And fatkid can be a fun and exciting gametype if played on the right map. There isnt really any way of stopping these ignorant players, I would say just leave the game and join someone else or play another game if no one is playing halo
  18. BTS Hardcore

    BTS Hardcore Ancient
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    Im 12 but I play PROPER Halo and I use PROPER maps/tactics. Ie.
    For FFA Games I use MLG Maps Or PROPER Forged Maps.
    For Minigames I use Halo On Halo
    Fly High etc.
    So I give people good games on great maps.
    I respect all gamers (except Noobs) and want to give people a good gaming experience.
    #38 BTS Hardcore, Aug 29, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2009
  19. TailsIce44

    TailsIce44 Ancient
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    Im 12 but i AM NOT LIKE THOSE KIDS THEY SUCK! Believe me anyone who talks to me thinks im 15 half of the time but im 12 and its amazing really
  20. l33tmeerkatslol

    l33tmeerkatslol Ancient
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    Don't forget, the horribly forged, Power Weapon filled, Foundry Base has messed up tele's and random mancannons aswell! =)
    It's funny cuz half of these kids cant even set up spawns properly to get infection to work!
    Me and my friend say these kids are part of the LCU. Little Children United. Because all little kids manage to have like 3-4 other friends that play the exact same things. How they find eachother, nobody knows. Curse you matchmaking!
    A lot of them are even younger than 12. I've seen like 9 before.

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