Welcome, to the Omniquar Suite! --------------- Map Size: A relatively small, medium sized map. Player Count: 2 - 6 Supported Gametypes: All Gametypes. Download: Omniquar Suite --------------- Description: Asymetric concave "U" shaped map in the sky bubble with additional center nuetral area. (Concave as in you can see across the "U" shape, Avalanche would be considered a convex "U" shape because you cannot see through the center.) All gametype ready. Favors small team. Welcome to the Omniquar Suite, over the creation of this map it has undergone countless changes. Idea after idea, entering and exiting my mind, I finally came up with this result. Omniquar Suite has a very unique flowy feeling to it, and with plenty of cover, this is a very stratigic map. All walkways (except the center area) have railings on the outer edge to prevent walk-offs. Open to a version 2 with feedback. NOTE: The screenshots DO NOT do this map justice, it's a very jagged, angular map that is awkward to photograph. At it's peak this game is suited for Team Doubles, Team Double KotH, Team Double Territories, One Flag, and One Bomb, however, as mensioned before, it is ready for all game types. I've put alot of work making sure that this is a balanced asymetrical map. --------------- Weapons and Equipment: 4 Assault Rifles - 30 seconds - 2 spare clips - Placed at start. 4 Battle Rifles - 30 seconds - 2 spare clips - Placed at start. 2 Shotguns - 60 seconds - 0 spare clips - Placed at start. 2 Snipers - 90 seconds - 1 spare clip - Placed at start. 2 SMGs - 45 seconds - 1 spare clip - Placed at start. 2 Spikers - 45 seconds - 1 spare clip - Placed at start. 2 Plasma Pistols - 30 seconds - Placed at start. 1 Needler - 30 seconds - 2 spare clips - Placed at start. 1 Energy Sword - 180 seconds - Placed at start. 2 Maulers - 45 seconds - 0 spare clips - Placed at start. --------------- 8 Frag Grenades - 10 seconds - Placed at start. 4 Plasma Grenades - 10 seconds - Placed at start. 4 Spike Grenades (Two - 10 seconds - Placed at start, two - 30 seconds - Placed at start.) 1 Bubble shield - 90 seoncds - Not placed at start. 2 Power Drains - 120 seconds - Not placed at start. 1 Grav Lift - 60 seconds - Placed at start. 2 Regenerators - 60 seconds - Placed at start. 2 Deployable Covers - 90 seconds - Placed at start. --------------- Screenshots Overview The Center Area The sides The Bases The blue is practically the same, (but blue XD) very subtle differences. --------------- That's basically it, thanks for viewing, please comment and download with feedback, as mensioned before, this map is open to a version 2 with feedback!! Download link: [Click]
It seems like the man with the sniper would get to play the part of god on this map. Looks like you can see every inch of this map from almost any point(exaggerated, but you get my point). also, i laughed when i saw the energy sword location(in a good way). I have no idea how well it works, but it looks awesome. Everything else looks good, though i could see myself falling off trying to get to the center area more then I'd really care to admit.
I like the sword spawn but it seems too open, the guy going for it would be an easy target. It would help if you had a landing in the air so who ever went for it would have a chance. But then anyone with a long range gun could just camp it out and every time you go to get him swing he has the sword. But overall good looking map, i know people will ***** about noob rails etc but really i like maps without them. It makes it harder because you have to focus more.
I like the concept you have for the Sword spawn. and you might want to space out the sniper spawns to two minutes to help keep them less dominate. it looks good and I'll download it
Thanks for the feedback guys, Satan, The snipers do play a large role, but on team doubles, if your team's sniper can take the others out, or at least distract him, while the other person advances, you're gold. You can see a large portion of the map from either side, however, there is ALOT of cover. You can't really tell how covered you are from the photos, but trust me, you have a good place to stand and take a breather throughout the entire map. Captn, originally the plan was to have a platform at the top to land on so there is some sence of cover from the people below, however, I ran out of budget. Maybe in a version two I might cut back some things and add a platform or something... thanks though. Ryuu, I think I am going to turn the snipers to 2 minutes, thanks.
The Good: Love the sword spawn, and the area just out of the bases. The Bad: Spawning players only have one way to go out of the bases, giving ample opportunity for opponents to spawn trap. There is a total of two paths to take and both are really close. This is as good as having one path, almost as if it is conquest. There is a lot of lazy cover, that is blocks and etc. This can be good, but you want a balance between cover from structures, and lazy cover. General suggestions: Spoiler Add more ways out of the bases, and don't be lazy and put a tele or man cannon. I know there is a lack of budget, so take out some unnecessary stuff. New paths. Nuff' said. The lazy cover is not necessary to change, but put in a few more structures, hey? Okay, now some heavy duty stuff. Spoiler Move the sword spawn further out, away from the centre area, and block LOS from there to centre. Leave the gap empty, or put in a tele/man cannon there Where you would put the tele/man cannon noted in the previous post, place a building (one floor with accessible roof or two floor with windowed roof) Have this building as a "spawn hive" for that team and make sure it does not have LOS to main base. A new path can be done in a few ways like having a high, exposed walkway just behind sword spawn. You can incorporate sword spawn into an elevator to the walkway. The walkways would connect to the first space out of base and have cover along the first sections, but not the middle. Or, you could add a tunnel behind sword or between sword and centre. Not sure how well that would work. Finally, you could create a new area behind courtyard that has a bridge going all the way across the map. Make sure that has limited LOS down. Expensive, but radical. My personal suggestion would be the addition of bridge and walkway. You may want to roof the bases as well. Now weps will depend on what course of action you take. I assume bridge and walkway. I recommend: The movement of shotty to top bridge increase to one clip, longer timer, and delete one shotty. Maulers into either sides, with limited ammo and a medium respawn time. Make sure they are away from snipers Snipers, increased timers. Needler, to 45 secs. Add a support weapon to the walkway. Not too strong, but not weak either. Move some grenades around to accommodate map changes. Why the Grav lift? I can't find a use for it. Id it is useful, keep, but otherwise delete. Reduce power drains and regens down to one each. Deployable covers? Dunno 'bout those. If I think up anything else, I'll drop by again. Also, how much budget do you have? N.B All this is my own opinion, and you can feel free to ignore or accept any of this.
Very original sword spawn, I'm sure it induces some interesting gameplay. Only thinng I can say would be to perhaps use thinner guardrails for the wooden section, as I find this area somewhat constricting (might just be me though).
Thanks a bunch for that extensive CC noklu, I'll definetely take your advice into consideration whenever I begein a V2. I have the grav lift there for people who are too lazy to use the columns to jump to the upper level, I am not exactly positive at what LOS is abbreviating, I'm sure I know what it means, but... apparently I don't know the abbreviation, lol. I placed the deployable covers there for some added cover for people in the middle, since I have found that once you venture there when it's 1v1 you generally pin yourself down and need to take a diverse path to get back out successfully, I'll take your weapon and equipment advice into consideration when I do make a new version. Note, I also love the areas just outside the bases, probably my favorite parts of the map. Thanks again Hopefully you read this and explain to me what LOS actually means. lol Thanks for support Meteor, The reason the guardrails in the centre area are so wide is just for the fact that they aren't really guard rails, there more of a little bit of a different level walk-way from the main centre area. Thanks for the imput though.
Good map all are ok but the sword spawn need to be worked because i do a game on it and when you jump on the man cannon you are a easy target just had thing to be cover when you go in it !
you are meant to be an easy target, the sword is the reward, it's a risky thing to go after, but worth it. That is one thing that may be tweaked, but it will remain up there in v2. Thanks for the DL and comment though
LOS= Line of Sight. Basically what you can see from a give point on a map. You don't want to see too much, but you can't have everything blocked down. This is also affected by weapons. Sandbox default is rather open because it has no long range weapons, whereas maps with snipers tend not to be able to see from one side of the map to the other.