My third map. Great for mlg and ctf. There is not a lot of weapon spawns because I reached the map limit(not budget). If anyone knows how to get through this limit, please tell me. This map did not take long; only 2 days. My friends know me for working fast so I never get to complex with my map. This map was named after a type of building: a duplex is two units side-by-side or on top of the other. The map has two floors in each base and a walkway stretching from the center to each side of the crypt. Since I reached the map limit, I wasn't able to place any grenades in the map but just enough for the essentials: Battle Rifles, Snipers, Maulers, and a rockets launcher. If you haven't noticed, these are mlg spawns. Minimum of 3vs3, I have tested out this map and all of my friends agree it's very fun. Almost forgot, spawning with the Battle Rifle is recommended. Update: The problem about the spawns were fixed. Weapons 2x snipers 1x rocket launcher 8x battle rifles 2x maulers Download: Center of the walkway Rocket spawn Blue corner(same on red corner) Red base(same on blue base)
Looks like a decent map. A picture of a map overview would be nice. You have a few interlocking in your map, why didn't you interlock everything else? Interlocking isn't everything but it It would've made the map more cleaner and look ALOT better and more smooth. Your map looks though. I will DL later.
I tend to not interlock much because I have seen maps lag a lot due to too much interlocking. I interlock usually to fit something. I'm not big on aesthetics
Map looks great. I like the middle part. As for interlocking, well, interlocking is overrated. I've seen maps which have been interlocked completely and they look like crap, IMO. I could see pieces appearing inside other pieces. Honestly, it looked like crap. Yeah, it smooths the walls and floors out, but it also makes the textures look messy, and I highly disagree about it looking better than a non-interlocked map. This map looks great as it is. Hell, Bungie's default Sandbox isn't interlocked but it looks great. Interlocking every piece would also take weeks, if not months -- that is unless you're somebody who has a lot of time on your hands. Interlocking should only be used where necessary, IMO. IMO = IN MY OPINION!!! Yeah
Your central structure looks great and overall it looks like it is designed somewhat like wizard. Your red base however looks more like you just thre a bunch of objects together and a bit of a cluster.
Good map i did almost the same in the skybuble on sandbox lol i really love the desing of your midlle ! Its look like a diamond ! The bases are cool but dont put lot of teleport. And good weapon choice for your map ! I give you 4.5/5 because you need more pics lol !
I would DEFINITELY delete that filter, it makes the crypt far too dark. Other than that, it seems to be a fairly solid map. Also, on a different foot- interlocking IS important, interlocking allows you to makes curvy things and also, the layers don't flash or anything if you interlock them so that they are not in the same vector points.=] Interlocking makes you map look better made and also, grenades wont get stuck in the holes and cracks and overall, it just makes your maps soooo much better =]