I think you have me on there twice mate. You've got Waylander and The Texan83. Unless someone on this site has the gamertag Waylander. If that's the case I want to know so I can come kick your ass. lol
thank you all for joining the "INVITE ME TO YOUR LEGENDARY CUSTOMS NOW" list and remember you wont be invited to the party if you dont put your GT down
All doubts about no new forgeable maps were dispelled when I saw the legendary vidoc. GT: Maelstrom 1313
Oh yah, I'll definetly be getting them and be posting tons of my new Winchester maps here soon after gettin them. Hope you all will like 'em when they come out.
Obviously, except I don't have any points credited to my account yet in order to buy them come Tuesday
Mehah... JK. I actually have a count down as my homescreen. LOl... 7 Hours, 18 Minutes, and 15 seconds from now... (this is assuming they come out at 2 like the Heroic did...) No accidental leak like last time? Haha.
GT= Smat 8 Definitely gettin them as soon as I get home from work today. I will be looking for people for customs on the forge hub gamertags.
Yay! They're out! I decided to get them today, even though i won't play em till friday. just for the bungie pro (even though it's kinda silly for me)