UPDATE I JUST EDITED THE MAP TO MAKE IT EVEN MORE LIKE THE MOVIE IT NOW HAS THE LAB FROM THE MOVIE, AND IT COMES COMPLETE WITH SUCIDE BOMBING TO SAVE THE WORLD. I AM LEGEND CREATED BY KingBartlett & Sikamikanico Original Map Here: here Edited BY EMERGING KILLER This map is only meant for Zombies As you can imagine this is a map representing the last part of i am legend. now in the last part of the movie he is in the basement of the his house behind bullet proof glass. which is what i did here i made a house and covered up the windows the doors and put bullet proof glass in front of every doorway. now the purpose of the game is stay alive for as long as possible if your will smith, who has tons weapons inside of his house, and if your a zombie your purpose of the game is to try and kill will smith. now the only way to that is jump in through the hole in the roof. The ratio is zombies to will smith, in other words 15/1. this is based on barts manor with some my changes to make it look like the house from i am legend. To download map varient:http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=29521083 To download game varient:http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=29384723 Picture 1: Overview of house Picture 2: Hole in roof Picture 3: Attic Picture 4: The bedroom Picture 5: The living room Picture 6: The closet Picture 7: The stairs Picture 8: The dining room Picture 9: Kitchen Picture 10: The armoury Picture 11: The fireplace shaft Picture 12: The garage Picture 13: The lab
This is not your map! This is just a COPY of Barts Manor with a few changed exceptions! You did not make this map. EDIT: I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions. I do that sometimes. If what I said is not true and this isn't a copy of Barts Manor then I apoligize
I played a map just and I mean splitting image, infection different, type door wasn't blocked. I am thinking it was fort something.
I agree with MNM1245 and Supernaut, this was originally Bart's Manor. Yes, there are a few changes, but based on structure, this is their map. And if I'm wrong, correct me, but I believe there already is an I am legend map on Standoff in the map section somewhere. If you take a person's map, make your own from theirs, but base most of it on someone else's work, you probably need to ask for their permission to do so, then when you post it, make sure to say that this was their map, with a few of your changes. But I believe it is too late for that.
Ya. I agree. This is definitely Bart's Manor with some changes. I don't get why people can't come up with their own ideas.
sorry about that sorry i didn't mention that this map was based on barts manor, and that i just changed a few things
I agree with you guys and I definitely see a resemblance in screens 2 and 3. Edit: So did you start with a new map and base it off of Barts Manor, or did you use the actual map and edit a few things?
u forgot the most important room in the house, the lab, if u made it urself, u could have included it....... or if u dont feel like making one from scratch, u can make an impermeable room off to the side and link teles to it
Seariously,you just can't take a map and edit it,make your own,copying a map and making changes does not prove that your a good forger,its like taking the chief and put him on a cheap toy gun,trust me,ive seen things like that before.
sorry guys i didn't know. i did make 6 maps by myself though you can check them out if you want normandy, prison 117, the fort, shoots and ladders is a racing map, dawn of the dead, and zombie tower
No offense or anything but no stealing or else you could get warned or even banned if you do it again. And please keep the subject on this map including Jason and emerging.
Hey I know your balls are getting busted here on this thread, but I definetly agree with everyone else. It even says created by yourself, which you should give credit to who made it and just say it's a varient of that map. Always give credit where credit is due otherwise no one will download your maps, you might get banned, and/or no one will ever listen to you on forgehub. Just remember next time to give credit and you'll be fine.
No offense, but you could stand to be a little more subtle. It's hard to take you seriously when you're posting 9 maps in the span of a few days and then writing in giant red text.
You make 6 not even half way decent maps in 2 days then you go and steal one. Why? It's about quality not quantity(and if its legal). You will be more liked if its good than if you have a lot. Also, you won't get banned/warned for stealing/spamming.
yeh i know i really messed up on this one nut i making something spectacular that im pretty sure you will all like AND IM NOT STEALING IT FROM ANYBODY!!!
dude, its kinda lame to take a map from here on forgehub ( thats where it began) then re-post it here,