read about forgehub on ^.^ ive been checking out the forums and the community here and decided to join and i love the stuff ive seen Soon as i get home im going to forge haha xD ill post if i make something good My tag is my forum name. I am currently aware that my tag name sucks haha no need to tell meh
Lol, relax, i've seen worse tags. Welcome to Forge Hub If you need any help, feel free to PM me, shout it out, in the chatbox, or make a thread about it in the appropriate board.
dont worry, with the recent changes here a lot of us feel newer. Also, feel free to ask me or anybody here questions you have about the site. Welcome b4e3v4r lol.
Hey. Your tag isn't that bad. But anyways welcome to forgehub. Hope to see some of your maps soon, and I hope your welcomed with open arms.