YouTube - Halo 3: ODST Alpha Site Gameplay at 0:38 I think I saw a golden Hunter, am I just seeing things? And around the 0:30 mark there are a few Golden hunters on the ground. It might be a different rank of hunter, or weird lighting.
It's just the lighting that makes it look golden. At 0:40 it changes back to a dull blue color because it's underneath the shadow of a wall or something. I personally find it annoying how they comment on every kill. But the game play looks pretty chaotic.
GT has an HD version of the same video (I wasn't sure if I could embed a GameTrailers video so I posted the youtube video) and I don't think it ever turns blue...
No, look at it frame to frame. You'll notice that when he's not in the light, he's a dark-bluish color. At 0:25 the guy almost gets splattered by a box lol. And did you notice the medal on 0:36?
If it is just lighting I think its too sharp of a color change (and a new hunter would be pretty sweet). I think the golden Hunter is in this video too Around 1:30 and the lighting is pretty bad but It might be him, or a different hunter.
Actually no, you're right. Did a google and found this. NEW HUNTER CLASSES! And the return of the Halo 1 hunter! The gold one in the video didn't seem all that tough though, but it seems like it's a leader of some sort because of the color. So maybe it's faster or stronger? Normal blue hunter Golden hunter Brown Hunter(Fires single fuel rods like Halo 1 hunter)
That's Awesome! New types of enemies in ODST! But can anyone tell me what the thing at 0:51 is? Halo 3: ODST Video Game, Crater Night Gameplay HD | Game Trailers & Videos |
Holy **** you serious rifte? Damn this is gonna be a ton more fun than Halo 3. Plus, the health and stuff is good. You can't be fearless of a pack of Grunts or Brutes anymore, you know you can't run away as fast or jump over them. Plus, lower health is better cause a Hunter is a force to be reckoned with now, unless you're Mickey or Romeo. Yay! That last pic proves hunter classes, too. And if you look closely, the Lekgolo worms are still the original color. Or at least from what I can see.
Serious man. I saw a thread just yesterday talking about it. There were different classes for brutes, jackals, drones, and grunts I believe. Can't seem to find it right now, i'll keep looking though. Oh, and so we're cleared that this is confirmed...
Lol. But I hate how they changed the damn Engineers. They looked so damn cool before. I mean, I don't hate the new design, it's pretty cool too. But you know, some things have never change from the classics of CE. Man dude... w/e.
Lol. You upped your rank from this, lol. Seems funny and scary, thinking of Jackals with overshields. And Grunts... OH ****.
IGN Video: Halo 3: ODST Xbox 360 Video - "Red vs. Blue" Episode - Guys Like Us That's the Red vs Blue video at IGN. At 1:30 you can clearly see the golden hunter fall down.
I just went through "The Ark" To check. 1 shot to the head or three to the body on Normal. 1 Shot on Heroic/Legendary. Carbine was either one headshot or 3-5 body shots, no matter the diffuculty. BTW; Jackals are my fav covie race.