Sandbox The Air Base Series

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ElWonAte, Aug 26, 2009.

  1. ElWonAte

    ElWonAte Ancient
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    Welcome to the Air Base Series.
    Every now and then, I decide to make an awesome map. I call them, Air Base's. This is because they are floating bases that are used in 1 Flag and attacked with Warthogs, Mongooses, Hornets and Banshees. It's taken me a while, but I'm finally up to Air Base 5. My newest, and greatest.

    Air Base 1
    This is the first Air Base. It's not as good as the other ones, but I did pretty well considering it was on Standoff. Attackers take 1 of 3 routes up the the floating base, go through the teleporter, grab the flag. Easy? It's difficult. And fun.
    Download link

    Air Base 2
    The second Air Base, a lot more chaotic. Now that I know how to Forge, I make it fairly big, and even made a little camp at the attackers side. There are a few routes up, the best is alway air.
    Download link

    Air Base 3
    YouTube - Air Base 3
    Definitely the biggest Air Base of the 5. It reaches the roof of Sandbox. Even though it isn't my favorite, people seem to like it. It's probably the hardest to capture on, but if you're team is really good. It's very possible. (The Attackers side has a wall 3x the size of that in the newest version, I just haven't updated the picture.
    Download link

    Air Base 4
    YouTube - Air Base 4
    My favorite. Definitely. Great map, not huge, not small, and a perfect attackers base. Many routes in, the best of course is by air yet again. Many weapons at each base, very fun map for teams of 4 and up.
    Download link

    Air Base 5
    YouTube - Air Base 5
    The final (?) Air Base. Amazing. It's the first one up in the Sky Box, and was a complete success. People love it. I love it. It takes great teamwork, with the only exit being the safety of a Hornet. But the entrances of either 3 banshees, 2 Hornets, 1 super Hornet (Respawns once, works great) or a 1-way teleporter that mixes up the gameplay heaps.
    Download link

    That's all of them. They've been great fun to make, even funner to play on. Tell me what you think. =D
  2. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    You may want to add some more pictures of the maps themselves. The YouTube links don't work for me, but that may be because of the lack of bandwidth that I've been having lately. From the pics, they all look good and if you worried about the pic limit, you can reserve the next post for extra pics, if you know your gonna be over. They all seems to have a simalar theme, one team assaults the base, whilst the other camps an defends. Assuming they all play roughly the same, I'll download two of them and test them in the morning.
    edit* i played them and they were fun, they had the usual camping issue as maps such as these usually do, but other than that, it was fun. nothing to hilarious though. i personally like not defending, because i find it more fun to rush in all of the 360 games i own, i dont have the patience to sit in one area. thats about it, it was fun to attack and nothing seemed to fail too epicly so id keep it on my harddrive.
    #2 pinohkio, Aug 27, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2009
  3. physcopirahna6

    physcopirahna6 Ancient
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    I like how you've put together your maps into one 'map pack'

    Air Base 4 is my favourite because it has good forging from what I've seen

    The only one I really don't like is number one, not because it is on standoff, it's because I've seen better ones on standoff

    But any way there all very good
  4. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
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    I've had a identical copy of Air Base 1 on my hard drive for a while now called air castle or something, someone may have copied this, seen as yours was last edited in February according to the stats, But that map is fun so a d/l there, I suggest a new thread for each map as then all will get a good viewing. Just state it is part of a map pac with links to the other maps=)
  5. ElWonAte

    ElWonAte Ancient
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    Yep, I found that map in someone's Custom Game. Thought it was brilliant. Deleted some stuff, added 3/4 of it more.
    "The only one I really don't like is number one, not because it is on standoff, it's because I've seen better ones on standoff " And yeah, it was the first one I've ever made. They get better as they go. 3 was difficult to make. 4 Was fun, but got very annoying. And 5 was very interesting.
  6. x Paralyze x

    x Paralyze x Ancient
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    The main problem I have with these kind of maps is that they always end up with the people in the base camping with snipers or other power weapons. I do like Air Base 4 though, it looks really nicely forged in my opinion. Mabie you could cut down on the shield doors in the first base, because a lot of the time those are overpowering. Over all, nice forging, they're just not my style. :) 4.5/5
  7. ElWonAte

    ElWonAte Ancient
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    Yeah thanks for that, I've never thought of that. It's a good idea.
    But that's why I got 2 teleporters in and out, you go in one and you don't know which one you end out of.
    And yes they camp but if you're good enough - You can win =D The true test of skill...
  8. fireskull

    fireskull Ancient
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    So this is what nathan meant, yeah there shouldn't be a problem then.

    My personal review varies for each one, I wasn't a terrible fan of the air bases, but there were definitly worse infection maps.

    on average 3.5/5
    #8 fireskull, Aug 27, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2009
  9. ElWonAte

    ElWonAte Ancient
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    Thanks, but the Air Base's aren't Infection maps.... You know that, right? I hate most Infection Gametypes. 'Specially the ones with hallway + Turret =/

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