Debate Flight or Invisibility

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Furious D 18, Jun 20, 2008.

  1. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    If you ever need a reality check again, just ask.
  2. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    Flight. Reason, I'm on a roadtrip with my family and I look out the window and see valleys filled with trees and mountains immeasurably tall and all I'm thinking about is flying above ... that and I hate to travel. I have a terrible fear of heights but I think the shear awesomeness of flying would overcome that.
  3. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    I would choose flight all the way. Invisibility just offers too many bad temptations for me. Its like an invitation to commit crime etc. And i would never do that so it would be not very useful to me. Plus, somebody would eventually catch on.
  4. TehRandomBoi

    TehRandomBoi Ancient
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    I'd choose Invis.

    First of all, I almost always get in a situation where I run somewhere, turn a corner and try to will myself to go invisible. Then I end up running again but he's right ****ing there.

    Plus having flight, you would become an Area 51 project. Like dissecting a frog, cept it's you. I wouldn't use invis that much, cept to spy on the damn girl that I like. Come on, WHAT BOY WOULDN'T. One girl, what's so wrong with that? I understand a whole locker room, but w/e. Plus if you didn't become an Area 51 project, you'd probably get about 5 gamillion people busting down doors and windows.

    So yea, Invis.

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