Sandbox Quetzalcoatl

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by sleeper7642, Aug 15, 2009.

  1. sleeper7642

    sleeper7642 Ancient
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    Quetzalcoatl is my newest map, and a remake of Quadrant. I worked on fixing things people had complained about, made the map more balanced, and made the map more aesthetically pleasing. Unless you're late to party, you'll know that Quadrant was a large, symmetrical map taking up all of the crypt. Quetzalcoatl retains this, and builds upon the success of Quadrant. Now onto the only part people really care about. TEH PICTUREZZZ!11!111!

    Map Overview:

    Overview 2:

    Overview 3:

    Bshield Spawn:

    som nise interlox

    Red Side Mancannon:

    OS Spawn:

    Map Center:

    Needler Spawn:

    Weapon List:

    BR x6
    Needler x2
    OS x1
    Sniper x2
    Magnum x4
    Spiker x4
    Plasma Rifle x2
    SMG x4
    Frag x4
    Sticky x12

    Download Quetzalcoatl!

    P.S. Being an Ex-HLG, I used every tool in my disposal to try to make this map as cheat-proof as possible. If you come across an exploit, please PM me over Forgehub or B.Net.

    P.P.S. Thank you to CMS Guner for helping me test this map.
    #1 sleeper7642, Aug 15, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2009
  2. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ( where do the mancannon go)

    Could you tell us where the red and team spwarns spots are because the red and blue base looks very small.

    You have some interlocking skills but i see no geo merging. Do you know how to geo merg
  3. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Sweet you named it after the mythical feathered lizard from mayan (or aztecan, can't remember) culture. Sweet, however it could use a bit of geomerging but don't do it because I and other people say so, heck don't even remake the map again unless you actually like it as it is. (That probably didn't make any sense) I mean, if you like the layout and stuff, yes doing a v2 with geomerging would be acceptable, but if you don't really like it how it is don't waste the time doing that.

    But yeah, there honesty isn't much to this map, I'm not undermining your forging capabilities but it seems a little half done to me. It plays like most crypt maps lately have so ill give it the same grade 3.5/5 or a C+
  4. Dantheburger

    Dantheburger Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Gameplay on Quetzacoatl is solid, the strategic jumps around the map add a certain flow to it that is not included in many maps. People are drawn to the center and rarely stray to the far corners, which is as it should be. Spawn points are well placed and spawn camping was not a problem at all. Man Cannons are a bit jerky, however, and it's too easy to use them to jump straight to the overshield spawn. Maybe delete the ramp so people have to go the long way to the man cannon. Weapon spawns are solid and well placed, and the lack of power weapons is pleasing. I found it hard to find and make good use of the sniper rifles though. Maybe open up some lanes of fire for easier sniping.
    Score 4/5

    Well forged all 'round. Not much to say, but the interlocking is very good, particularly on the wedges/ramps used as cover and platforms. The floor of the crypt is well used and blocks that the man cannons stand on are not bumpy. No porblems with it, but nothing major or new. Geo Merging was not a needed on this map, although extra forge techniques improve any map.
    Score 4.5/5

    Again, Aesthetics are good and well thought through, but nothing new or major. The man cnnons stick out of the side of the block bit, a minor problem, but still needs work i guess. The small cross abpve the center room is a nice touch, if small, and the interlocked ramps look very good.
    Score 3.5/5

    A well thought out and forged map, Minor problems aside. Something larger scale (Aesthetically) would make this map look the part.
    Score 4/5
    #4 Dantheburger, Aug 16, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2009
  5. sleeper7642

    sleeper7642 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The mancannons launch you to the other mancannon. You can see where they are located in Overview 3. You spawn in the bases with the red and blue lights over them, and I purposefully made the bases small, to discourage camping. Also, If there was an area where I thought geomerging was needed, I would have added it.
  6. BTS Hardcore

    BTS Hardcore Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Intresting map.
    Looks a bit bare to me but I'll dl and test.
    I hope I dont get an infraction for this.
    6 posts 4 infractions!
  7. sleeper7642

    sleeper7642 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This may be the biggest Necro-bump ever. I just found this page in my bookmarks, going through my old P.O.S. computer's HDD.

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