On Sunday the 30th at about 9:00 PM EST, we'll be playing a Sunday Night Fight with The Running Riot, however this time it'll be much different than the norm. First off, it'll be 2v2 instead of the normal 4v4. But I'm sure the reason you're reading this thread is for the unreleased maps, so I'll just skip to that... so we'll be playing three thusfar unreleased maps that will later be played in the 1v1 Conflict. I can't give you details on the name or when it'll be in the contest until the game itself, so going on... We'll be live broadcasting this whole thing, at 9 PM EST, from my perspective of course. So head over to ustream.tv and make an account so you can chat with the others while it's going on. You're free to analyze the map/my pro gameplay as much as you like, you're free to record the screen, whatever. But you won't be getting the video clips or map, these games are the only sneak peek of these maps you'll get before they're released. Here is the link to my stream. OK, so to add to this: We're also going to take 3 volunteers from the crowd who will get to be my doubles partner for one unreleased map. There are a few restrictions to this, and we're sorry if you don't fit in to these rules, but we need to be careful when this could open a potential leak of the maps. You must have at least 300 posts You must be a member of ForgeHub for at least 3 months You must be a respectable and reliable member of ForgeHub, enough that we can trust that you won't save the map and/or film. You agree that you will not save any films or maps from any game played on a thusfar unreleased map You must have a Mythic Map Pack You must be 100% sure that you can be online at latest at 8:30 PM EST and ready to play If we see that you saved the map or film and it wasn't leaked, you will receive a 4 point permanent infraction and a 2 point (banning) infraction for 2 weeks. Should the map leak out, we will assume that you were the source of the leak and you will be permanently banned. On that happy note, there are no official signup "layout", but reply with whatever you feel is necessary, the more information the better. Those who fulfill all of the above will be put in a randomizer and the top 3 to come out will be those that play. Go! EDIT:[istream][/istream]
8:30pm est, hmmm. well its on sunday so i should be able to play all day after 5pm gmt-3[sup]atlantic[/sup]. i havve nearly double the needed posts, so im in for that requirement aswell. i also have the maps, consider myself atleast semi respectible and have been a member for well over 3 months. just one question, well two actually, 1 does it matter if we win? and 2, how are the players goingto be selected?
1. No, it's a SNF, mainly for fun. Results will be frontpaged, so all you're really playing for is your ninja honor. 2. A randomizer.
I can join, though being i need to be on time, ill mark it somewhere on my iMac calender GT: Kidbomber
I can do it if you want me. I meet all of the requirements and can be good at anything with any weapon if I actually try [sup]=P[/sup] Can I ask (if you have any knowledge on) who we would go up against?
I could play. I meet all the requirements.. GT: MeNaCe x TIGER Are we looking to win? And when will the people be chosen?
IF you would need another person I would do it. But my post count may not be enough so that is up too you. But Good Luck who every you pick. And guys You make us proud. )
Eh, knowing people on the internet, someone is going to be ignorant enough to save a map/film. I wouldn't even consider doing this. But you're the admin, so I really have no say in this.
That's the reason we'll only randomize the good applications from members who have something to loose. If they're smart, they won't save them.
Most members with over 300 posts that fit the rule below have been here long enough to know not to do this. I won't be signing up for this, my internet usually lags over the weekend. I'll just wait for the maps to come out, and I'll probably watch you guys over ustream.
I have another question though- what if the other team downloads them? 1: If you tell them not to do it- what if they did it anyway? 2: If you didnt tell them anything- they would download it because they think it was good and then what if it ends up here? So the blame would then be placed on the partner?