Legendary DLC Mudkipz

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Chase Uchiha, Jul 28, 2009.

  1. Biggles2

    Biggles2 Ancient
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    Wow pretty good, havent seen somone make a creative statue like this since Covenant Elites E.L.I.T.E but then again I havent been on much lately. Since theres only one picture I cant give you that much feedback on this map but from the picture that is there it is pretty good and resembles a mudkip really well, the only thing I would change is the whisker type things that you've made out of teleporters, I looked at a picture of a mudkip after seeing your map to see how well it resembled the actual thing and the one thing that struck me is that you could make them out of the shield doors or whatever they're called, I cant think of the name right now (the big yellow things that you cant go through), I'm pretty sure they resemble the shape and colour of the whiskers, and even if they dont resemble the shape you could interlock them to chenge the shape, or failing that you could use another object, it would make that area of the statue look more impressive instead of just having a few boring teleporters there instead, but other than that it looks quite well put together. You should put a few more pictures of the rest of the body and perhaps the tail up for us to see because from what I see so far it looks really creative
    #21 Biggles2, Aug 5, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2009
  2. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    so how do we know that he did make a second one? for all we know, he could have only done the front half of the first one. i also seriosly doubt you claim of rotating the first one, built the second one, forgot to save, and had to redo all of it. basically, i have more spaces for more important stuff, and i dont even know if your finished this.
  3. PaNdeMic

    PaNdeMic Ancient
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    thank you for finally making a giant mudkipz!

    good forging and amazingly awesome / godlike idea!

    however. i think the wiskers could be bettr and i am definatly gonna DL.
    #23 PaNdeMic, Aug 14, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2009
  4. Chase Uchiha

    Chase Uchiha Ancient
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    Thank you for being the first person to understand the meaning true of this map, 4chan.

    and who are you to judge me? You don't even know me, so please don't put down others work, even if you've been on this site longer. Also, it's just a story, it has no actual significance to the map at all, it just shows the time and effort me and my clan have put into this map.

    On a lighter note, those of you who like what we've done, and aren't here to say something about more pictures (excluding biggles2 cause he was nicer than the lot of you combined) please spread the map around, it's been a long time since we started the map and got no support, and i'd like to get Recon for me and the people who made it before ODST comes out.
    #24 Chase Uchiha, Aug 15, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2009
  5. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I just find it funny that you're asking for Recon because you and your friends made a pokemon in forge.
    #25 Monolith, Aug 15, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2009
  6. Pwnology

    Pwnology Ancient
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    That's a great Mudkipz map you made there. It's well made, and very original. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll now go and use it to ask my friends if they "liek mudkipz???".
  7. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
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    Wow. very well done. I do indeed like mudkipz. a water pokemon whose evolution picks up a ground subtype and becomes super against electric. =)
    If my DLque wasnt already full i would deffinitely give it a DL maybe when i finally get my 360 connect at school and download everything thats waiting i'll come back.

    And a little something that goes very well with the map (and if you wait for the end its got the perfect FH ending)
    YouTube - Mudkip
  8. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    im not judging you, im just saying that i dont have room for somthing that dont eben know if it is what it claims to be, for all i know, this could be your master plan to infect everyones xbox with an overheating failer coded inside you map.
    and +, why are you being so defensive over how you did it? taking 2 more pictures and editing the post is probably less work than arguirng with me over whether i should download it.

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