Hi this might sound stupid, but i havent been on Halo Screenshots for a while and they updated there sight and now i'm confused on how to use it. There used to be a bar where you type in your gamertag to get your pics, I can't find that, if someone could help me that would be nice. Thanks P.S. - I think this is in the wrong section, I wasn't sure so i just put it here.
Should be in the ask the staff (w/e its called) forum. Anywho, hold ctrl and click the reload icon next to your url bar. That will clear your cache for the website. The site should show propelly for you now, if not your ISP is **** and doesnt update their servers much ;p The site is down BTW (as in you can get on it but you cant use the service)
Laziness is a plague in itself. I personally never used Haloscreenshots. I just save the High-Def version of the screen shot, open it in Photoshop, add a sharpen filter, save it, then upload it to Tiny Pic. It takes pretty much the same amount of time as it does to get a screen shot off Haloscreenshots, except you get a sharper image.
I do the very same thing. Allthough halo screenshots is convinient I am not willing to change. I've been using photobucket since I came to forgehub.Im stuborn
Wow, has no one read the front page? It's down, the owner lost access to his previous server. Here's what it says: News Gallery updates are down at the moment. We've reached the top of our free space allotment from the always generous Louis Wu. Current disk usage is coming it at about 130 GB. We're currently searching for a new host, and taking this time to try and rework the site a bit. If anyone has disk space to volunteer for the cause, please email me. It's in big red bold letters at the bottom right of the page.
I know the site was down. My question was why does it look different. But i figured it out already. I typed in .com instead of .net. My bad.
Dun wory, it's k. Yeah, there's a whole lot of confusion between the .net one (for screenshots to post on FH) and the .com one (to have your screenshots printed out and mailed to you).