Basically for a while now I've been looking for for a list of all previous MLG variant's not just current ones, I'm mainly looking for some of the first foundry variants. [Not early versions of Amp, ons or lockdown] So does anyone know where I could finder older MLG maps?
If I understand you correctly you will not find much here. A lot of MLG maps are posted here but you may have better luck on or other MLG sites. If you seak MLG maps created by FH users then check out our MLG Map database here. That will incluse every MLG map on FH posted in the MLG map subforum.
Thank's for replying and while I have seen the many MLG map's FH users have made, I was actually looking for just the official ones that aren't used anymore. I'll give MLGpro a couple searches. : ]
No there really was, and a few other oddities. Check this link MLG V1-V6 Maps Collection - MLG Forums it has every MLG Map and every version of each. Search through the posts and you can find each version of the game types too.
No problem, your thread actually made me want to play on some of the older versions too so I set out looking for it. Wasn't too hard. I had forgotten High Ground was MLG.
High Ground was V1, Isolation was V1 - V3, Blackout was V5 and a map called Stockpile on foundry was V4. Fun to see how MLG has changed.
Blackout did not actually get professional use in v5, but they did make and test a version of it and had it on the MLG Gametypes file share for public distribution. Eventually it was rejected for a variety of reasons.