The Grindhouse

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Plan B, Aug 25, 2009.

  1. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    This my new map The Grindhouse.
    It should be coming out some time this week after I get it tested.
    I could release it as an aesthetic map right now but that'd be no fun,eh?
    This is an infection map, Im not sure of the recommended players yet.

    Heres just a few mostly overview pics.
    [caps for pic is under]


    Overview-The small structure in the lower left is The Fort, where zombies start off at the beginning of a match, The Main house obviously across from it. Humans spawn in and around the House.

    Ill give you the map weapon inventory right now since its very minimal.

    1-Camo-This was unintentional, used as water for kitchen sink.
    2-Spike Nades-Again unintended used for sink
    2-Trip Mines- Unintended used as heat spots on stove
    1-Incendiary-Placed next to fireplace
    1-Flamethrower-Placed next to fireplace

    All are default spawn times

    You might notice that there are 4 Man Cannons place around the map.
    One that is in the low-left corner and the other 3 place around the house.

    There are spawn points around each Cannon. The one closest to the Fort is for Zombies only. The rest that are placed on the hills around the house are Neutral Spawns. These are placed to reduce spawn-killing since outside the house this is a very open map. This also allows players to get to the action faster and another way to get on the roof without going inside the house.
    So your probably asking "since the Man Cannon and spawns are located on or outside the Guardian Barrier wont I get shot down?"--The answer is no simply because.....
    I highly recommend using HugeBox Stacked or any stacked map because they give you enough money to hit the item limit and doesnt have the hassles the Unlimited maps have. Just delete the stacked items and you have well over $1,000 to work with which is plenty enough.

    Zombie Fort-Zombie Starting Point

    The House-Human Starting Point

    Well thats it for now, If you actually read my Post Thank You!:monitor:
  2. Viet Honor

    Viet Honor Ancient
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    With the Guardians disabled, im sure youll run into one of those misbehaving Human players that will just into the Outside area in an attempt to escape. You might want to see if you can fix this.
  3. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    It seems a little open doesnt it? There is sooo much space between the 2 structures... Zombies are dead if they go outside. I think that you should make some more things to it.

    The house looks nice though.

    If the guardians are blocked- I would glitch out of the map (teleporter) and delete the walls that block the lasers. Make sure to lag up the map with tripmines though.
  4. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    Welll we could just wait til hes last man standing?
    Why would someone do that its just ruining it for other people.
    Bu since its pitch black dark out their the human might have trouble seeing the zombies even with the radar.

    1)If you read my OP there are man cannons surrounding the entire map.
    They are out of range for magnum sniping, and the zombies only spawn at the beginning at the base, the rest of the time they spawn around the mancannons, so unless the zombies are stupid that shouldn't be a problem.
    Also since outside the guardian barrier its pitch black so the zombies can easily sneak from cannon to cannon for a surprise attack, you cant see their swords or armor at all.

    2)I dont really understand what you are trying to say about the Guardians, could you explain some more?
    #4 Plan B, Aug 26, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2009
  5. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    1) It seems like you could easily snipe someone from that range- the base isnt too far away from the mancannons. Also- now you can see where the zombies are and where they are going- so you could wait at the spot where they are sent (via mancannon) and shoot them before they hit the ground... seems kinda cheap. Also note that without an effect- zombies do not blend in well with the outer region of Sandbox.
    2) I was just stating that if you needed to unblock the guardian lasers, you should do that because someone mentioned that it seems like a ton of space and it is true- if I were a human, I would most likely travel to the back of that area and be pretty safe- Its almost the same thing that happens on Standoff (players move to the edge and cannot be touched because there is so much open space) except its even bigger than that.
  6. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    1)You know zombies can just walk right up to the house mancannon isnt the only way in theres doors and windows on every side of the house.
    Yes if you glanced at the pics gloomy is on so you cannot see the zombies in the dark.

    2)And again I already stated this above, the human can take the nice long journey to the outer walls and sit there but is not really going to be effective. The zombies are almost unseen in the outer space unless you hover the reticle on them to see their GT. So if you end up being last man standing and your sitting out there all the zombies can just rush him, with rushing and with the help of being almost unseen the human might only get 1-2 kills before he dies.
    Trust me Ive tested the map already a few times, the best option for a human is to crouch and hide in one of the rooms in the house.
  7. PwnsauceAddict

    PwnsauceAddict Ancient
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    Dude im sorry but alot of people would do that. as long as its cheep people WILL do it whether it ruins the game or not.

    The human base does look very good and i think this could be really fun to play. But, like someone was saying, you need to add stuff between the two bases. just some random small structures for the zombies to hide behind or else they are in trouble

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