My Love For Graphics || Need Honest Opinions

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by EGP, Aug 25, 2009.

  1. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I just now thought of this, well not really, I just now decided to bring this up with you guys. Please be mature with this, I really want a honest opinion.

    Ok, I have been into graphics for about, eh, lets say almost a year. I started with gimp, with that basic newbie style of placing renders on top of cool colored backgrounds and messing around with those cool brushes you just downloaded :p. I later downloaded photoshop, after the recommendation from Miraj, and I then started going uphill ( IMO ). I started reading many tutorials and began to really understand how GFX really is. The thing I wanted to bring up to you guys is, I don't think that I will ever be a great GFX artist. The problem is, I really really love it. I have tried to quit graphics in the past, but It just doesn't work. I suck at GFX in my opinion, I will never be as good as the people that are really well known in the graphics forum. You guys all inspire me, I have even saved some signatures that I have seen and spent like an hour trying to figure out the effects you used in that signature and tried to implement into one of mine. Sometimes, I even fail at following tutorials.

    My, very serious question to you is, should I give up at something I really truly love?
  2. alienman911

    alienman911 Ancient
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    no, if you are having fun you should keep doing it
    do what ever you want to do
  3. CP3TIMCP3

    CP3TIMCP3 Ancient
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    okay your actually quite good and you inspired me to start and even if you did suck practice makes better because there is no such thing as perfect

  4. Laxer

    Laxer Ancient
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    Definitely do not give it up completely, if you need a break, take it. But don't give it up if you love it. Just tell yourself your good and just relax while making sigs. Don't tell yourself you suck.
  5. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    1. don't quit. your work HAS improved over time.. you are simply reaching the same plateau that i was at quite recently, before i learned a couple things and got boosted slightly.. i am still just barely ahead of you in graphics in my opinion, and often your sigs surpass mine!

    when i reached that plateau, i paused for a bit to consider if i actually wanted to continue with this. in fact, i still havent designed a website for a month or two..

    two, you have inspired me and are a part of the community. please dont. if you like it and the ideas keep flowing, keep doing it!

    p.s. man if theres anything you wanna do like some contest or something that would inspire you, lemme know and il help out
  6. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
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    Speaking from experience, sometimes you love doing something so much that you eventually get burnt out. This is not always the case, but sometimes taking a little break can help. Then when you come back, you may even enjoy it more than you used to. Thats not to say that you should take a break, though. Maybe just try some new things, or work on your weaknesses. I have seen some of your work, and I would say most of it is very good. So...thats my two cents, do whatever you think is best.
  7. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    i'm TERRIBLE at graphics. yet i enjoy it. Life isnt about what you are skilled at, but rather what you enjoy doing. For instance, if i could flip burgers really really well but i loved painting and was terrible at it, which do you think i should do? PAINTING.

    keep up man. i'm ****ing terrible at this too.
  8. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Never quit, GFX is a great hobby. I would give you help if you ever needed it since you are a pretty cool guy, but sadly, you moved on to Ps lol. Anyways, really, don't quit, you seem to be improving, so why would you?

    BTW IMO I've hit a wall where i haven't improved in a while, but eventually, i will overcome that wall, you will be able to do the same.
    #8 LOCK.xcf, Aug 26, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2009
  9. loshon

    loshon Ancient
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    God damn man, you can do anything if you love it enough! Don't stop doing it if you enjoy it, (and it's healthy, of course). GFX is a good hobby, and with practice it makes a good career. In fact, anything you love to do makes a good career. In my opinion, your art is great, and I find that when you hit that wall, I just go crazy and experiment with random stuff that should work, then if it looks cool, I make something with it, file it away. If it doesn't, I mess with it a lot more, until it does look cool. It's amazing how the most basic stuff can look really good, in context. Don't stop. You're not bad. You're a huge inspiration to me, I know that much, and you're a fine GFXer, as well as a large part of this GFX community. Stay! Your work is great!
  10. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I get the impression from what you've wrote that you think that there's nothing outside of signatures in the world of Graphic Design.

    If you enjoy making sigs, by all means; don't quit. It shouldn't really be much of a question. Just because you think you're not as good as some people is no reason to stop doing it altogether.
  11. Miraj

    Miraj Ancient
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    Exactly. Signatures isn't even considered to be graphics...
    You and I have done something, that some people have never gotten a chance to day. We did some real Web Design and created 2 Skins for Vbulletin. That stuff is REAL. Everyone reaches a time of their life when they progress to a point where they think they can't get to the skill level they want to be it. Quitting won't get you any better at what you do. You are an inspiration to some and you quitting is not a good role model. Knight Kninja was my inspiration, and I thanked him because of his return, so that I can continue to be inspired and do what I got to do.

    School has just been keeping you less inactive with Photoshop, and that's fine. Just find some time around the weekends and start to experiment a little. What I have shown you in Photoshop is just one aspect of it, there are other thousands of way to do different things. Just experiment. Try to create Wallpapers, manipulations, etc... if you get bored.
  12. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    try signing up for a graphics design course next year! even my low-budget school who cant afford anything has an "intro to web design" course
  13. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    Using PS, and or GIMP is a skill that will get you far. For instance, if your getting hired by a company, and you know how to use Photo Editing software, you're likely to get hired over the next Joe. As laxer said, take it slow, and take breaks when need be. During my summer break, my sigs got to repetivie, and sucky, so I took a month break.
  14. god4

    god4 Ancient
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    I know the 'wall' that you're talking about, but those walls are recurring and frustrating, but once you make a great piece you'll feel a lot better and your inspiration will return.
    Don't quit, you'll always improve and after enough perseverance and desire, you'll be better than the people you used to look up too.
  15. Miraj

    Miraj Ancient
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    He already knows HTML and Javascript.. he took the course. He just doesn't get enough practice anymore because of school.
  16. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I am going to beg my parents to let me take graphic design next year. I have to say, I am very surprised on the amount of posts in this thread, I really appreciate it. I guess my main point is that I really can't see through the same eyes as a graphic artist. But I guess if I want to, I am going to have to keep practicing at it and really dedicate myself.
  17. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    I hope you realize the portion of graphics you look at here is barely even graphics at all, it is but the smallest part of a huge graphics world. The people you think here that are good can barely even compare to the professionals throughout the world, some people here though are very good. So, from the outside view you are like all other graphic designers, good. That's what graphic design is mostly about, to appeal to the outside world.
    There is no excuse to quiting something just because YOU think yourself as sucky. Then you need to work harder to become better if you truly like it. And the graphic design course will probably show you what graphic design truly is, and not just sigs/banners/LP.
    And don't think that you suck because other graphic designers say you suck because out there in the billions of people I'm sure hundreds and maybe thousands would like your work. And don't think that their opinions don't matter because they don't understand graphic design. Graphic design isn't just for graphic designers to look at, it's for the world.

    And so I went on some huge rant or something about graphic design...
    Basically keep working on what you love and if you still feel like you aren't that good, work harder. Also, don't take other people's opinions on your work so hard because art is something that can't really be graded. Unless if it totally blows, but I know that you don't suck that much.
  18. DC

    DC Ancient
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    You can never say never when speaking about the future. If you really put your mind to it, it can happen. But if you do want to pursue graphics and arts as a career, then you should start doing large peices, and expanding your possibilities to more things than sigs. Who knows, you might be the next guy who gets to make those sexy models look sexier.
  19. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    People (i.e. artists) say a lot of bullshit about how they 'naturally' see things differently than other people. Don't believe it; you have to work at seeing things differently. I realized that and, after years of working at it, it comes to me 'naturally', with little thought. So, don't ever think that just because you can't see like an artist, you aren't meant to be one.
  20. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I always believed that if your not born to be a gfx artist, your not going to be. I guess that's not true.

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