Mythtacular is an obstacle course forged on Sandbox for Halo 3's default Slayer gametype. Scroll down to check it out! DOWNLOAD THE MAP VARIANT The Rules, if you’re a hardcore by-the-rules kinda person: 0. Use Halo 3’s default Slayer gametype 1. No weapons, no grenades—only melee 2. No assistance from other players 3. Navigate obstacles, in order, as design dictates The spawn area; continue straight ahead to challenge the obstacle course. On the right are checkpoint teleporters. These teleporters are already unlocked—I’m not silly enough to expect people to complete this map in one sitting. There is also a transport hornet under the spawn area for when you’re in a hurry to get to a specific obstacle. SECTION I: Avoid the teleporters while you slide down Careful control of the throttle is key—don’t rush TIP: Pump the throttle, especially when crossing seams. Otherwise your mongoose may stall This one is …involved. You must built momentum using a pair of teleporters in order to pass through a hoop in the sky. That hoop contains a radar jammer, which you must jump off of to reach a second pair of teleporters and repeat the process. Roll the golf ball up the ramp--as it rolls down, it will block the receiver nodes (very briefly!) and permit you to pass through the sender nodes. As you come around the back of the fourth obstacle, you’ll find the first checkpoint and conclude section I SECTION II: Another radar jammer-assisted jump will bring you to the fifth obstacle… you must make a bridge from deployable covers! You have to be quick to both build the bridge and make it across before they time out. Radar jammers to the rescue again This time, you must build a staircase from deployable covers My favorite obstacle; in the enclosure above are two grav lifts, which you must deploy into the mancannon structures below. Exiting the enclosure (which requires a flare-assisted jump, preventing you from bringing a grav lift outside), you will find those grav lifts you deployed soaring across the gap between the platforms you must reach. Time your jump carefully to coincide with the grav lifts and you’ll just make it across. TIP: Take care to aim when deploying the grav lifts--the mancannon alignment doesn't work for sloppy throws You should still have a flare, which will get you across this gap and conclude this section of the obstacle course! SECTION III: Time your leap so as to jump off of the golf ball in order to make it across. Parts of this obstacle are submerged in the killzone—don’t try to cheat or you’ll die This spastic, erratically ricocheting golf ball is your stepping stone to the ledge above Stand on top of the golf ball and proceed down this platform. Enjoy the tilted parts! Parts of this obstacle are submerged in the killzone—don’t try to cheat or you’ll die Take it slow on this twisted balance beam These jumps are simple but have a very unforgiving margin for error These jumps are both a reprieve and a gift, courtesy of the OLN. Don’t rush and you’ll make it across this section easily. Climb this staircase to conclude this section SECTION IV: The final obstacle! This is it—the culmination of Mythtacular. I saved the best challenge for last! Standing atop a golf ball, roll off the edge of the cliff. You just might reach the bottom, where you’ll have to cross narrow supports while remaining on top of the golf ball. Finally, if you make it across, you’ll have to climb straight up using only tiny metal poles. Parts of this obstacle are submerged in the killzone—don’t try to cheat or you’ll die. (just in case you're worried, the wall is "magnetized" so your descent is slow and controlled. You might even have to jump/melee the ball to detach from the wall, depending on just how slow you descended) Win! If you complete this final obstacle, you will have completed Mythtacular!
This is a very hard obstacle course I just downloaded it and can't wait to try it out. 10/10 I really like that it is very long and that you have to clime certain walls. It is a good idea you had to make it so the golf ball at the end go slowly down.
Well, it looks like a pretty good jump course. Most of the stuff I've seen before, but a few challenges (your golf ball receiver node blocking challenge), your grav/mancannon lift challenge, and that last one look really fun.
Ahh very good course... Some parts looks very easy but i know for a fact that i would hate that mongoose part... Glad to see somebody other then me puts jumping on scaffholdings on a map, although seeing as you just jump straight up on them iim not sure how hard it will be.
That looks insane! Man, this part alone convinced me t download this map! I cannot wait to try this and challenge my friends along for the ride. And the final course is insane! the fact that you have to stand on a golfball and roll it the whole way just to make it to the jumps is so WOW. Man, downloading now and I doubt I'll regret it!
Wow, great looking map. Looks like there's plenty of neat obstacles. I haven't tried it yet (or any other obstacle map) but I would say the difficulty is Heroic. It looks pretty challenging. I especially like the ideas. No one has used momentum or that other rolling golf ball/teleporter obstacle. The one that looks the hardest is the momentum one from the pics. Plus everything looks neat as well. You had plenty of obstacles, which is always a plus. But if I were you I would make a V2 with an oddball variant (place ball at end) so you can win. Other than that, It's great. 4.5/5 Also, you said, (just in case you're worried, the wall is "magnetized" so your descent is slow and controlled. You might even have to jump/melee the ball to detach from the wall, depending on just how slow you descended). What do you mean by magnetizing the wall?
I always operate with the assumption that people are using most of their custom content slots, so I always see the fact that my maps don't need a gametype as a big plus. There are tin cups behind the wall.. they attract the golf ball, so the golf ball hugs the wall on its way down.
This map hasn't gotten as much love as the Flaming Ninja series, so I wanted to give it a little bump. I'm kind of surprised--I feel this is the best yet, but it's gotten about 1/10th of the downloads as the previous one. It seemed to slip under the radar pretty quickly. If you guys are a little bored, you might want to give it a try