Sandbox Pascagoula

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by chrstphrbrnnn, Aug 24, 2009.

  1. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Created By: TexturedSun

    Recommend Players: 1v1
    Recommended Gametype:

    1v1 Conflict, Round 3 (Losers Bracket)

    Pascagoula is a symmetrical map created in the crypt of Sandbox. Most notably, Pascagoula is the smallest of all the 1v1 maps in the tournament. With a layout akin to Longest from Halo CE, the map plays a much tighter BR game than most are accustom to thus far in the tournament, and will require some quick and steady movements to stay in the lead. Players will find the center to be king in control of the map, though many of the contestable weapons remain outside easy grasp of top mid. With the mix of some tactical quick jumps, and great height variations, close range battles will feel a lot more frantic than usual. With multiple ways up, the lower levels never feel too trapping.

    Pascagoula's weapon layout is fairly limited, and forces players to be very resourceful when playing around with the SMGs and Needlers. Ammo conservation is king here, as both weapons have low clip sizes and long respawns, yet can be very powerful when used in correct situations. Trip mines in the bases and a radar jammer top mid allow players add variation to their BR strategies with quick and hidden cross map movements, or timely pathway blockages. A high respawn CPU spawns bottom mid, and is the number one contested item on the map. Remember to time this accordingly, as it can be a major balance shifter. Needless to say, playing on Pascalgoula can get pretty up close and personal, so be sure to go in swinging.

    Good luck to those of your continuing on in the tournament.

    #1 chrstphrbrnnn, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2009
  2. l PATRICK l

    l PATRICK l Ancient
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    i absolutely loved this map for testing and slayer, i love the stone platform into those wedges, can this be for capture the flag, just wondering anyways impressive already downloaded

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    After going through the map I saw a few issues which I know wont change now but i would like to go over anyway.

    This map is so easily breakable via trip mine, radar jammer or grenade jumps. The trip mine I can see being the one which is most likely going to cause accidental breakouts if they occur as most tend to jump as they get hit by them.

    Also the forging, or the wall tilting bug has made some nice spots on hte map where you can 'hide' for one or two kills, I have found two meaning 2-4 free kills and wanted to know if im allowed to use them, or that they are 'illegal spots' and could lead to a DQ.

    Also I had a map which used a trip mine, which was fun in a party of freinds, but when it got competitive it was bearly used, which may have been my bad placement or the fact that it just doesn't appeal to players or encourage map flow.

    Overall well forged map but im getting annoyed that they are front page news and breakable, it just doesn't send out the right message to newer members.
    #3 RRAAAAAWWWWWWWR, Aug 26, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2009
  4. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    Can you send me a video of this 'hiding spot'. And a ruling can be made, thanks.

    And as a side note, this isn't front-paged. Nor does it count towards a feature, it is simply a map made for the tournament. You people are too quick to judge.

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    New people to the site are not going to realise its a tourney map straight away, and like I was at first I saw one picture and downloaded, not looking into the map deeply like I do now. Just using personal experience to help out here really, and it isn't technically but it is 'advertised' at the bottom of the one that is front page and featured.

    I will send you the video also, ill show you two 'hiding spots' and an easy way out of the map.

    EDIT: Just sent you the video going over each spot and breakout in 2 minutes.
    #5 RRAAAAAWWWWWWWR, Aug 26, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2009
  6. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    Cheers. I'll have a look at those later.

    We weren't overly concerned about breakouts when making the maps, as doing so is obviously an instant DQ. So people need to lay off the 'OMG U CN GET OWT UR MAP EEZY'.

    Also, I forgot to add that the Conflict gametype has the enhanced radar, which should negate 'hiding spots' since you're always visible.
    #6 TexturedSun, Aug 26, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2009

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    Lol which is why I said 1-2 kills in each one, as people have a clue to where you are but these spots are in weird places, one which looks like you on the other side of the wall and one which makes you look like your on the bottom on the radar.
  8. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    This isn't a featured map and the banner will be removed after round 3 ends.

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