Cataract: Created By ZANDER1994 Update: Fixed the block that wasn't spawning at start and the spartan laser spawning across the map for some odd reason. Description: This bridge was once an architectural monument. It was maintained by the traders and fisherman who prospered upon it until The Great Drought, when it was abandoned. The marsh of which it stood upon has long decayed, but now, a different source is to be found; coal. Gametypes: All forms of slayer, all forms of CTF, all forms of KOTH, plus Oddball Recommended Players: 6-16 Intro: Hey guys, Zander here once again. This is actually my first sandbox map I believe. Well, the first one I've actually FINISHED. I've had a lot of projects in the work lately, but when I heard about this template contest, I thought I might give it a shot. Pictures: To put into words, Cataract is a giant mammoth of a bridge. Here you can see the front of the bridge, from the attackers view. Here you can see the attackers base, and the closest entrance to the bridge. Continuing up the bridge, this is where you confront the enemy. Unless perhaps you decided to stay low and go beneath instead. Thats the sniper tower there on the left. It comes in handy to stop those pesky attackers, however if they somehow manage to take over the sniper tower, a hole in the back provides a clear view to the defenders pit. And here's the defenders pit. Again, the sniper tower can be used to dominate the area. So don't let the attackers take it over if you know what's good for you. Off to the left you can see the defender's actual base. The defenders base. The flag spawns on the huge block merged into the ground there. Attackers coming from the bridge can be picked off from the base's walkway. Directly beneath the bridge, rockets spawn. You can see a lift in the background which can provide a easy way to the lower side of the bridge leading into the sniper tower. Next to that you'll find a ghost. Even if you do decide to avoid the havoc of the bridge, you will feel well covered beneath. Here's a close up of the lift. The ghost will normally spawn just behind it in the almost parking garage-like structure. The right side of the bridge, and one of the many entrances to the base. Also the shotgun spawn. Thankyou's: So, thankyou for checking out my map, thanks to the testers guide for helping me test, and my biggest thankyou of all goes to Given to Fly 93. He gave me the ideas for many of the structures in the map, not to mention support, testing, and someone to talk to. Although we chose not to co forge on this particular map, I want you guys to know that he is a great partner to do this kind of stuff with. If you need a partner, check him out. Download: Video: Only if I win the template! EDIT: Answer all your questions for merging on Sandbox here!
So this is that amazing entry to the Template contest you've been claiming was the best for such a long time Zander? Well it sure doesn't disappoint! It looks amazing, all the amazing geomerges... Reminds me of how every Sandbox map should be! What I like about Cataract that makes it different than every other Sandbox map is that just about every structure is connected. Kind of like Tetradymite, but these structures look mostly built out of blocks rather than walls. I like that, walls are so bumpy and annoying... Truthfully Zander, I hope this wins the contest. I haven't seen any other map deserving of winning the contest more than this one. I don't see any problems with the map from the pictures, but I'll make sure to give it a whirl or two in custom games when I get back to Oregon... Nice job Zander! I can tell you spent a long time on this... You have every right to brag about this one!
did you play the map? haha just kidding man honestly from the pics this map looks very epic. you stated that it was supose to be a mamoth bridge? from what i can see it doesnt look exactly like what bridges ive seen, but then i could be wrong, i havent played it yet so i wouldnt know. the forging tho from the pics looks great, and your geomerging looks well done. ima have to check this out with my friends later and i might just report back to you
to bad i missed the tst, it would have been amazing to play. the center looks as amazing as ever, and the map that i had that you saw ended up being accidentally deleted so i guess that means you have the better map out of the to of us. like i said, it looks amazing and you may win the contest,compared to the rest of the entries atm. good luck and it looks phenomanal.
Wow I don't usually comment on stuff unless I feel itt captures real imagination and gameplay, and this one looks like it would play awesome! I think i'll give this one a download and comment later on any nit pickings I have. I usually look at spawns and balanced gameplay (sometimes a them as well) when making maps, and this oneseems like it captures a cool originality that most ground level Sandbox maps don't have. I like that it doesn't seem very vehicle oriented as well, most Sandbox ground levels focuss on vehicle gameplay. Much like IZ9 Courtyard. I'm an Atlas regular, so expect some intense spawn critisism when i return, unless of course you have your spawns correctly.
I thought that it was a good map. I really liked Doubles on it too. Seems too small, but somehow, it works. I honestly think you'll win the template contest, I didn't think the other maps submitted were that great. No offence peeps. I think its funny how you mentioned my awesomeness, but I don't brag. Thanks for doing it for me lol. Good job dud. Oops, I mean dude...
Lol, ok I lost in the template contest. I just finished my map, called the Outback for the template contest, but the oln is really ****ing my map up, so I plan to release it later. But for your map, I think it was amazing, i downloaded it, and boy, the interlocking is pro. Every structure give a distinct feel to me. I truely enjoyed walking around this map, it was pure Eye candy. By the way, how were yu able to fit so many objects in, because just about when I was finishing up my map, the oln really messed up some things, so my map is technically wierd. For instnce When you start a game of slayer, everyone spawns in the crypt, even though there are starting points for each base. =0
I just downloaded and ran through this. 2 things that frustrated me, despite the nice overall design. 1- I know it is really cliche, but really, if you went to all the effort of geomerging some of those objects, then why not interlock some of the simpler ones (such as the wooden catwalks)? 2- The set up for Banshee spawn is rather annoying; generally when you jump into a Banshee, you will boost instantaneously either to a] escape someone chasing you and avoid being boarded or b] so you can help your team as fast as possible. The way you have positioned the Banshee means that if you boost as you take off, you will go headfirst into a wall. Remember, the Banshee is not as manouverable as the Hornet and as a result of this I believe you need more free space for the Banshee to take off IN FRONT of it. Alternatively you could remove the roof over it allowing you to roll sideways or upwards to take off, but I quite like that structure.
The only thing i can say to that is Coagulation. That banshee you had to ****in work for. Ive got this in que, but I am not a super social butterfly... may take me awhile to get a real game on it. Kudos on the urbany feel and actually using a banshee in a not sky map.
This is really impressive for the template contest! I myself was totally not up to the challenge because I just don't have the skills to make natural geomerged structures on such a sandy map. On top of this, I hate geomerging without doors. You pulled everything off quite nice. I love the fact that you feel that your enemy could be right around the corner, but at the same time you allowed for the map to breath somewhat. The pillars you used are aewsome, I really like the fact that some of them have unique design. I like it =D
I actually AM AT the object limit. I couldn't put another object on the map if I wanted to. I'm also down to, what, like 3 dollars? The banshee spawn was hard to work with. If you flip as you come out of the garage you'll get out pretty easily. If I had made the template, I probably would have moved the banshee out towards the dunes, but I really couldn't do anything about that. For the merges, I used my own simple snap method. You can read about that here- ^I'm planning on making a forging 101 for Sandbox today. So if your interested in learning how to merge on sandbox, take a peek at my tutorial later today. (;
I did a forge through and noticed that the Spartan Laser has been moved. Your map will be disqualified because of that. On another note, where the Laser was moved to isn't really the best spot. Mainly because it is literally right next to the overshield and they are somewhat close to the Rocket Launcher. Some of the spawns were also questionable in regards to there placement and where they are facing. Some are facing out toward the dunes which got me lost on more than one occasion. The layout is also somewhat confusing at time with all the bridges and ramps leading everywhere. Another thing I noticed is the power weapon spawn times. You have the Sniper and Shotgun set to 60 second respawns with the Sniper at a full clip. I haven't played a game on this but based off that it seems like too fast of a respawn. The Banshee spawns at 120 and the same goes for the Ghost. My suggestion would be to move the Banshee spawn time up to 150 or 180 and keep the Ghost at 120 or 90. Also, with the lack of Missile Pods, the Banshee seems like it could completely dominate this map if one team has the Rockets, Laser, and Banshee. I'll try to get a game going on this later tonight though to see how it works out, then I'll come back and post my thoughts on gameplay. Edit: I just realized that the Rockets are dangerously close to the Ghost and Banshee and the lack of colours also make it difficult to maneuver around the map in my opinion.
Um wat? Are you SURE? I have to see this for myself. EDIT: THANKYOU. It's fixed now. The spartan laser was NOT supposed to spawn there. This must have happened when a random guy joined during forge that I decided to boot.
Haha, no problem. I realize you ran out of objects but might I suggest putting lights on the map? It's difficult to find which base is which when playing because of the lack of colour.
I didnt find the map hard to navigate, even without lights. A simple game or two on the map should solve peoples problems with that. I had a suggestion, but i didnt know the laser was part of the contest. I was gonna say nix the rockets, put the laser where the rockets were, and then place the sword in the center of the 4 corner blocks on the far end of the map. I thought it wouldve worked pretty well. EDIT: here:
Oh yeah that would probably be a nice looking placement. But, I think It could be a bit overpowering on the bridge. Plus attackers would have way to easy access to it right at the beginning. I don't know, maybe if I had more money I'd look into it.
I'm not saying change the hangar; as I said, I like that structure. All I'm saying is that it needs more room in front of it so that it has some room to manouver of the ground. If you remember, Coag gave you plenty of room to fly out and get in the air once you left the building. I don't know, that was just my impression. I spend a great deal of time in Banshees.
Looks very nice to me, I love the layout and just the look of the map, such as those towers. Correct me if I am wrong, but I do see a lack of weaponry in the pictures.
The screenshots are in game. Thats why in one of the pictures where the ghost SHOULD spawn, it isn't. Other than that I can assure you there are plenty of weapons on the map to kill with. Haha.