V2 This is the best map I have ever forged and boasts balanced, smooth competitive gameplay. I have spent a lot of type making this map and hope you download and enjoy it. Although the name suggests a link to Guardian this is in no way shape or form a remake, nor is it a spiritual successor, there are parts of Guadian that inspired this map but do not expect identical gameplay and tactics. This is the second version of Guardos, for which I released the first version around a week ago which got over 270 downloads, since the release people have told me where thigs could be imroved and I have found and fixed faults I have found myslef. Here is a list of the differnces you can expect if you saw and played the first: Download Supported gametypes Team Slayer FFA VIP Team King Crazy King Team Ball Oddball Juggernaut Supported players 6 person FFA 6 person Crazy King 6 person Oddball 5v5 for all team games Recommended gametypes and players Team Slayer – 2v2 or 3v3 Team King – 2v2 or 3v3 FFA – 4 Players Crazy King – 4 Players The map The map itself is mostly symetrical but the bases have different designs and points of access, the center area and the lift areas are completley symetrical. The red base houses a shotgun and the blue base houses a sniper, these are the only weapons differences between the two halfs of the map all other weapons appear on both sides of the map. Gameplay usually centers around top middle which offers no weapons or equiptment but great height advantage and a quick way to access the other side of the map. There 6 ways top mid can be approached, you can jump to top mid from either base take the lifts from the bottom tier straight up or use the longer option; the catwalks. The lower tier offers shorter LOS, less hectic gameplay, some shorter range weapons and an overshield, although players will usually find themselves heading straight for the top tiers where most of the action takes place. King of the hill is highly recommended as is FFA. Weapons and Equiptment 4 x BR – 30 seconds 2 x Carbine – 30 seconds 2 x Needler – 60 seconds – 1 spare clip 4 x Plasma Grenade - 10 seconds 2 x SMG – 30 seconds 2 x Spiker – 30 seconds 1 x Sniper – 120 seconds – 1 spare clip 1 x Shotgun – 120 seconds – 1 spare clip 1 x Overshield – 120 seconds Video Here is a short clip of some Crazy King gameplay (FROM V1), a huge thank you to Jameslieb1 who rendered this for me. YouTube - Guardos - Halo 3 Sandbox map varient The Pictures Download
Extremely intriguing! I really like the layout and curves of this map. The geometry of this map seems to be very interesting, keeping the player on his toes and looking instead of staring at boring straight walls. Your use of man cannons and lighting really adds to this map, which I like. This map is great! Cant wait to play! 10/10
Wow you made this map baby-butt smooth and didnt go crazy with the weapons so gameplay should be good. I expect good things coming from this map.. (LOL no sex joke inteeded) Will download and give it a try.. So far, I give this a 4/5
hey i remember i tested this with you. it was a really good map. on bottom blue it near the platform where u can go up the ramp looks like u kinda' got lazy there. it looks better on the red side then on the blue side. i'm not sure if you ran out of money or anything but yeah. good map overall.
This map is just amazing. The enclosed miniture rooms along with the design of a bottom floor reminds some strongly of Guardian, sort of how the map suggests. I especially love the ledges all around the map. Thats a ton of help and improves gameplay a lot. I havent truthfully downloaded this yet but it deserves more attention and I want others to feast their eyes on this beauty.
Looks great, I 've been think of making a map like this for while, I 'll dl and tell you what I think.
I haven't been amazed by somethings like this since halo 3 came out I want to say everything looks perfect it has great balance between open areas enclosed areas Well Done XD
This is a great competitive map. I can definately see MLG players switching from 1v1 on Guardian to 1v1 on this. I see how the layout of Guardian also ties into this map. Great Job! 5/5
I loved playing this with you guys, the design is quite unique, and is quite fun. The BR fights are actually interesting, since they're located at areas you wouldn't expect. The only setback is when a body gets caught in the mancannon and all you can hear is the constant sound of the mancannon.... Zshooo, zshooo, zshooo. Anyways definitely worth a DL.
From what it looks like and what it shows on the video is that you really worked hard to perfect this map, the video was very well done by the way and the map looks amazing astheticaly. Great job and I can't wait to see your next master piece 5/5.
This map is very nice, I can see that you have spent a lot of time on the map with all the smooth interlocking and the design of the map is great. you did a very good job making the map with enough cover and good weapon placement.. keep forging.
Thank you, I think you will be pleased to know I am working on something currently. Sorry to everyone for being so inactive on the site latley I have had alot of other htings going on.