That's right, with the release of the new ViDoc - Bip Bap Bam, I decided to post so pictures taken from it, which include Romeo and Buck, without helmets and some new medals. If you haven't seen the new ViDoc yet, check it here: YouTube - Halo 3: ODST Video Doc Bip.Bap.Bam Trailer [HD] So here goes: Romeo - No Helmet Buck - No Helmet Needler Kill Medal Achievement Progress Bar Feel free to discuss anything else about the ViDoc here.
Well to be honest I made the thread thinking that it named more new medals than just the needler medal, unfortunately it didn't.
i didnt know you could remove the helmets as part of firefight customization. thats pretty sweet actually.
Good point, he might, who knows, maybe turning the helmet off will remove the cigar from his mouth, and do nothing else! Maybe, just maybe. But if so, who would wanna play as Sarge without the cigar? It just adds to his 'awesome-ness'. Since he's almost as cool as Scarface.
if anything they would give him a marine's helmet not a whole head helmet. idk though i just can't imagine the sarge with like an odst helmet or the body armor they wear.
i doubt you can put a helmet on johnson. why would you want to anyway? to me, wearing a helmet usually seems to bring you bad luck. although not really to chief. but that bad luck is especially prevalent in the gears of war universe.
Amen lol rest in peace Carmine brothers. Yeah if anything they will allow you to not have a hat or have like your chest armor piece be taken off, making you look really badass.
Is it sad that I found 7 references? he got 49 triples which is the square of 7, Hunter Points=1877 1-8=7, it ends on set 4 Round 1 wave 2 which is 4+1+2=7, he ends on 117 mins 117 is 77secs in min form (77secs = 1:17 mins), the GT is "Avery J" which, including the space is 7 characters, there are 7 playable characters there, Buck is a 25 year veteran (2+5=7), there are 7 skulls available and the player has 7 lives left. Also: that H E A T is 7 characters including the spaces.
I don't know if i like the idea of no helmets. I personly think ODSTs look better with helmets on it also makes them seem cooler, i mean would you like to see the chiefs face, of course you would but that would just become basic and unintresting after a while.
Hey let's not make this another discussion about Johnson stuff, I believe we already have one. I just liked the little intro of his drop pod landing on the brute and the hatch killing the jackal. It was amusing.
I liked the ODST kicking him in the background. Funny stuff. I think ODSTs look more badass with their helmets on. I read an article somewhere that said that faceless characters make them look more menacing, and mysterious, and more badass. I can see the use for it in machinima though, even though firefight is the only multiplayer and it'll be more challenging.
On the top of the ffirst pic it says Avery, my names Avery also removable helmets are going to be strange, but no one will say your face/ helmet is to big, easy snipe due to the fact of no MP
ALL OF THEM? Really? Well ar first i thought that the needler kill one was new, but then a mate told me today that it is in Halo 3 campaign scoring... but I never knew ALL of them were, I mean, I don't even know of any other medals which aren't in Halo 3 Multiplayer.
Probably because not many people use the needler in campaign. It was funny before when people were like "Omgs! look at that new headshot medal!" though- they must have had terrible aim in campaign lol. Also 1 thing I noticed- I think that you can choose the color for the chest armor. This is because Buck doesnt normally wear blue on his chest (only romeo)...