Sandbox Shi Yes Numa

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by cowboypickle23, Jul 24, 2009.

  1. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    Cowboypickle23's Shi Yes Numa

    Here at last. a Shi no numa remake that is actually up to par. This map is almost identical to the real map. i conjoined almost every peice in this map so it is very smooth and in preportion with the real map. One thing that i changed after testing is the blockades. i took all the blockades away from this map. so basically from the beginning you can go to any room that you desire. This i know takes away from accuracy, but while playing the actual game, it makes it alot funner when the map is opened up. the mystery box is located on the bottom floor of the main building. you punch the fusion coil twice while holding RB. The first time you use it you may have to shoot the fusion coil twice. but after that the punches will work. its a double chance RWB so if you miss it when the guns fall than you can get it when they go back up 10 seconds later. the flogger is a pallet holding up a fusion coil. when the pallet breaks the fusion coil falls and blows up untill the pallet respawns 10 seconds later. Each hut( doctors Q, storage,...) has an oversheild to represent juggernaut. and a gun in it.
    Yes you can get out but obviously your not supposed to and it takes a great jump to do it. so dont comment about it cause i know it already.
    TIP: Once you are in a hut, i suggest staying there. and stay together. you will die if you go on a single mission. if you all need a gun than go as a group after you take out a good number of zombies.
    -DONT go straight to the RWB get a gun off the wall. you wont survive long with a pistol.

    Gametype- Depending on the amount of people playing change the gametype so that there are 4 humans and the rest are zombies. game suits 2/10 people.

    Now the pictures

    Actual layout

    MY Maps Layout
    Fishing Hut. (3 windows one door)
    Doctors Quarters plus zipline. (2 windows one door)
    Storage. (2 windows one door)
    The Courtyard and Flogger.
    Balkany out of main room and zipline.
    every hut includes a juggernaut(overshields) and a different gun.
    And lastly, the most functional working random weapon box yet. this little box (excluding the guns has about 12 pieces put into it to make the right angles, and consistansy. Hint-for first use shoot the fusion coil 2 times. for the rest of the uses you can punch it twice. you wont get hurt. and hold down RB while punching just so you dont accidentaly miss it.

    #1 cowboypickle23, Jul 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2009
  2. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Aestheic wise, it kinda looks like the map except for the parts where you go outside.It also looks like it was made in a rush. I have to admit that the random weapon box was a nice touch. Depending on the gravity for the gametype, it would be pretty easy to cheat with the grenade jumping. And also, let's face it, until someone makes a bungie favorites worthy version of **** Zombies, nothing beats **** Zombies on Call of Duty: WaW.
  3. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    gravity is at 200 and you dont start with grenades.
  4. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    I think this an awesome remake og shi no numa map wise, but i dont no the zombie traits. If you tell me i'll dl
  5. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    ok the zombies run at normal 100% and there gravity is 150%. they have to hit humans twice to kill them just like in the real **** zombies. the alpha zombies die with one head shot or to or three body shots. the new zombies are just a tad stronger to act like the zombies get better. i know the zombies are weak but the gameplay has gone through alot of testing and changing and its really fun if everyone knows what to do.
  6. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Cool. And one more question, how do the windows work?
  7. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    simple the zombies have enough gravity to jump into them but not very much higher. the humans CAN jump out of them i would have made them differently but even with an object limitless map i cant make anything else(dont know y). But the humans need one GREAT jump to get out. sorry about that problem but with maps this big and intricate something has to be wrong. and your an idiot if you do go out because its obvious your not supposed to. thanks
  8. o0SuperSamuri0o

    o0SuperSamuri0o Ancient
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    I lol'd at the name. This does seem like a decent remake but I think you could have used your budget more wisely to make this map inescapable. Just use the default items next time, along with a budget glitch. Otherwise than that good job though- you use some pretty clever ideas such as the mystery box. 8/10
  9. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    There is no such thing as object limitless. There will always be a hard coded maximum number of items that can be spawned on a map. The OLN canvas maps keep those original items on the map so that you can maximize that number. Instead of max # of spawned items, you have max # of spawned items + original items. Yes, if you delete those items you gain more budget, but you also reduce the number of items you can potentially have on the map.

    That's like saying you can't just hide the whole time in a game of Ghostbusters and not assassinate someone. It's a matter of survival. People will get whatever advantage they can to last the longest. If a building is on fire, do you stay inside or leave the building? If you're in prison, do you become Bubba's girlfriend or escape if it's possible? The only idiot is the one that doesn't exploit an advantage.
  10. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    im just saying that it is very hard to get out of this map. so if you absolutaly have to, then get out. it just diminishes the fun for you and everyone else. But i know what your saying shroomz and your right.
  11. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I meant no offense to you, cowboy. Hope you didn't take it that way. A lot of times my friends and I play maps we dislike, just to exploit stuff like that. The fact that it's extremely difficult to accomplish usually just encourages us more. Then we just take potshots at other players and watch them try to accomplish it while being fired at. :p
  12. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    i dont really take offense to anything. i know that if your on this site you got to be ready for the truth. so thanks for all the comments. thought there would be more by now though. hahah :(
  13. NYEKE

    NYEKE Ancient
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    good map du meh definetly better than your first one du GREAT JOB!! i love the mystery box nice touch.. keep in touch your a great forger
  14. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    thanks for all the great comments. keep um coming. what can i change.
  15. a dying animal

    a dying animal Ancient
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    It all sounded good but when i saw the picture i thought it looked like you rushed. Also shi no numa is a dark map so you should use FXs to make your map darker.

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