What do you think? I know a few of the symbols repeat, but it's only because the creator of the font (RecycleIt, it can be found on dafont.com btw) made it so more than a few repeat. It's not something that shines with renders, c4d's, or effects, but I like it. I guess it's pretty much a typography.
I really like it, I would love it if you made it a background size picture. Just repeat the symbols more, and make the main text bigger. I think it looks really good, and I'd use it as a background if you made it bigger.
I'll take that into consideration. I never really like to switch my background, I just leave it at the default, but if you want it as a desktop, I'll do it. I used the gray because I wanted to have the green stick out.
it almost seems to move as i look at it. living in a very eco-friendly family, i like it alot. good job
Wow, now that you say that I can see it. Thanks for the compliment. I usually try to be as eco-friendly as possible, so I decided to make this.