Favorite Game: Broken Down

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Undead Fanatic, Aug 24, 2009.

  1. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    First, I know there are a lot of threads like this one so let me explain something. There are a lot of good games out there and personally I find it very hard just to choose one so in this thread I'm breaking them down into categories which I find is easy to decide on, let me show you what I mean.

    Story - The Darkness
    Characters - Turok
    Enemies - Dead Space
    Boss - Doom 3
    Weapons - Half Life 2
    Multiplayer - Call of Duty 4
    Level Design - Serious Sam
    Soundtrack - Quake 2

    Feel free to add to this list or comment on something and obviously you don't have to answer all the categories.
  2. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    Story - Far Cry 2
    Characters - Halo
    Enemies - Killing Floor(pc game)
    Boss - Killing Floor(lol sorry, but this game's so fun)
    Weapons - COD 4
    Multiplayer - Any COD or Halo game
    Level Design - Halo(idk, something about halo's style intrigues me)
    Soundtrack - COD WAW
  3. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    Story -Half Life
    Characters - IDK
    Enemies - Aperture Science
    Boss - Sephiroth
    Weapons -Fall out 3, Half Life, Portal
    Multiplayer - CoD or Halo
    Level Design - Halo
    Soundtrack - Don't Care
  4. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    Story - Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
    Characters - CoD: MW
    Enemies - Halo 3
    Boss - Final Fantasy VII
    Weapons - Crackdown
    Multiplayer - CounterStrike: Source
    Level Design - Left 4 Dead
    Soundtrack - Halo 3
  5. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    Story: Mass Effect
    ----Beautifully Illustrated, I felt like I was there, as well, as the movie esque feel made it excellent
    Characters: Mass Effect
    ----The characters in this were so wonderfully done, I felt for their death.
    Enemies: Jade Empire
    -Not so much the enemies, but the combat system, it was beautifully done, and easy to learn.
    Boss: Star Wars: the Force Unleashed
    ----This game was meant for the boss fights, similar to God of War.
    Weapons: Fallout 3
    ----The weapons fit perfectly in the setting, as well as having great other weapons, there is something for everyone.
    Multiplayer: Halo 3
    ----I don't play much multiplayer, but I always enjoy a game of clue, and where else but Halo can you play that.
    Level Design: Mirrors Edge
    ----Every level is uniquely done and beautiful, and once you get good at the game no place seems awkward as you flow from place to place.
    Soundtrack: Fallout 3
    ----Those jaunty '50s tunes don't seem way out of character for the game, in fact, it enhances it, adding some flare to the game.
  6. BTS Hardcore

    BTS Hardcore Ancient
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    Story - Halo CE
    Characters - Halo 2
    Enemies - Halo CE
    Boss - Halo 3
    Weapons - Halo CE
    Multiplayer - Halo 3
    Level Design - Halo CE
    Soundtrack - Halo CE
  7. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Spoiler Alerts in this post.

    Story - Tales of Symphonia. (PS2, Gamecube)

    This games story is epic. At the very start, and for the first quarter of the game, it feels like a standard adventure. Your friend is the chosen one, you gotta go and save the world from the evilness that is the half-elf Denisans. We see the Denisans do evil things to humans like turning an old friendly woman turned into a monster and set against her friends. And at this point the game seems pretty clear cut. The chosens journey must go through to get rid of the denisans. Angels even help you along. And once you think you get to the end of the game, you think, "kinda' short." Oh no, then the Angels, and even one of your party members turn against you. ****, that was the only game that had me thinking that I ****ed up badly when I got my ass handed to me by Kratos and Yggdrasial.

    Characters - Tales of Symphonia.

    This games characters feel very standard at the start. Naive little girl, Stupid protagonist, evil bad guy, boy genius perverted dudeetc. But as the game continues, you start thinking that the bad guy doesn't have the wrong idea. You start thinking that the cold mercenary has one of the shittiest love lifes ever and so on. Again, this game is probably the only one where I sympathised with the bad guy. That's gotta' say something.

    Enemies - I'm unsure really what you mean by bad guy, so I'm gonna' say the best ones gameplay wise. Pokémon.

    Yeah I said it. Pokémon is one of the few games that really punishes you for badly giving out moves and not having enough of a type variaty. Oh, you trained your Chariward with all fire moves? Oh, I'm sorry, did I just send out a type that's immune to fire? What's that, he's the only one you leveled? Well **** you. You've lost. I guess it's more of the system of battle but there you go.

    Boss - Tales of Symphonia

    Sword Dancer. That is all.

    Weapons - Really hard to say.

    And that's not because there are so many good ones. Quite the opposite. Nearly every game has weapons that are incredibly **** and only do the job and have no creativity. Portal stands out as having a cool weapon but it's the only weapon. Tales of Symphonia has some cool ideas for weapons but they'd only work in RPGs and Red Alert has some cool weapons too. But they all do the same job, 'cept for the Cryocopter. I guess thsi means Portal has the best weapon.

    Multiplayer - Red Alert 3

    As multiplayer is determined by tha amount of people playing and Red Alert 3 is the newest one. But there's also because some of the strategies are so fun and entertaining to watch. Harvester rushes, Monster Truck Rally, Burst Drone rushes and so many many more.
    Level Design - Portal

    How could it not? Every level is carfully crafted under careful scrutiny and it shows. The first few levels teach you everything you'll need to know and the later levels all tell you to use it in ways you never think of. And really, all you're ever told is that speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out.

    Soundtrack - Tales of Symphonia/Tales of Vesperia/Halo

    I love 'em all so much.
    YouTube - Tales of Symphonia GCN opening(Japanese)
    YouTube - Tales of Symphonia Music - Fighting of the Spirit
    YouTube - Tales of Symphonia Music - Beat the Angel
    YouTube - Tales of Vesperia Japanese Opening
    YouTube - Tales of Symphonia GCN opening(Japanese)
    YouTube - Halo 2 Soundtrack - Halo Theme Mjolnir Mix

    EDIT: And I thought I went heavy on one game...
    #7 Telrad, Aug 25, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2009
  8. a dying animal

    a dying animal Ancient
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    Story - Bioshock
    Characters - Gears of war
    Enemies - left 4 dead
    Boss - Unsure
    Weapons - cod5 (**** zombies)
    Multiplayer - Any CoD or Halo game
    Level Design - left 4 dead
    Soundtrack - halo 3

    I probably have a better one sections but i go through so many games its hard to remember.
  9. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Story - Mass Effect
    In all honesty, Mass Effect's story was fairly cliche. The great thing about it is how they told the story. Interesting pieces like the Beacon and the Mu Relay really put a purpose behind everything, tied things together, and created a somewhat believable interactive story.
    Characters - Grand Theft Auto IV
    GTAIV takes home this prize because the characters in this game are some of the most believable characters in gaming. The had realistic mannerisms, good (and most of the time subtle) gestures, and most of them had a comedic aspect as well, which helped you really connect with them.
    Enemies - Left 4 Dead
    Left 4 Dead wins this for two reasons: One, it truly gave you a great sense of getting swarmed by seemingly hundreds of enemies, when in truth there are probably a max of less than a hundred at a time. And two, the boss infected were all so well done with sound being more important than site, environments better suiting certain infected, and how to fight these special infected off truly requires teamwork.
    Boss - Shadow of the Colossus
    A truly fantastic game that revolved almost solely around boss fights. Bosses were huge, each with their own challenging twist. Many of you required to think to find their weakness, and all big enough that you actually had to scale their bodies.
    Weapons - Ratchet and Clank Series
    R&C has always had crazy, over-the-top weapons, many of which were so surreal that you simply had to laugh at it. Add in a simple to use yet deep mods system that allowed you to force enemies to dance, and this has the most unique weapons of any game series I've played.
    Multiplayer - Halo 3
    Halo 3 offers tons of ways to play with your friends from Campaign, to Matchmaking, to Customs, and even Forge. This game was meant to be played with friends, and Bungie succeeded in that area tremendously.
    Level Design - 'Splosion Man
    'Splosion Man is simple. Run and explode; that's it. However this game is fun, diverse, and keeps you guessing throughout the entire game thanks to awesome level design and clever implementation of new enemies and new barrels.
    Soundtrack - Halo 3
    This Sci-fi game has a great soundtrack that does a great job at making every battle, every encounter, everything you do in the game feel epic. This may come from playing Halo 3 alot, but it seems to do something that other games fail to do lately; you remember that soundtrack. Alot of the compositions are written to where if you hear it, you know it is from Halo 3. Everyone knows the Mario theme and other compositions from that generation, but lately the soundtracks from games have been too generic.
  10. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Story - NO
    Character Development - TOO BROAD AND CONCEPTUAL
    Enemies - EARTHBOUND
    Weapons - DIABLO II
    Multiplayer (MMO) - WORLD OF WARCRAFT

    When I think further about this, none of it is right. It's impossible to pin down any one game to a broad subject like this.

    I haven't even played many good games such as DUES EX, DAY OF THE TENTACLE, FALLOUT: A POST NUCLEAR ROLE PLAYING GAME, or DWARF FORTRESS.

    What a waste of a post >.>

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    dem dorfs man, dem dorfs.

    Story - Far Cry 2, nice and subtle.
    Characters - Bioshock
    Enemies - Super Mario Galaxy
    Boss - Super Mario Galaxy
    Weapons - The Warriors, almost anything is a weapon
    Multiplayer - Combat Arms, purely because of weapon customisation
    Level Design - Company of Heroes
    Soundtrack - Megaman 9/Rez HD

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