Is there a way to create event operated doors?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by LordofDoom5432, Apr 5, 2008.

  1. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Waylander's is a lot more simple, and more refined. Yours took a while to understand, and it's a bit bulkier.

    What are you trying to point out?

    I understand the idea behind 'copying', but you're being a little melodramatic.
  2. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    More refined.
    Haha I like that. wonder what you would have said if I'de done the other side and some other stuff I was considering lol.
    Had a crazy thought o the backside being two storied and the 'gate' act as an elevator as well.
  3. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Waylander you did what was needed good job...thought of a way to protect the door from being unlocked... I don't know if that is a fully working idea but start in a new idea... I have about two points the idea is to make a door for credit... It shouldn't matter... But know this... you Worked with Coyote even if you didn't intend to... as well me... because we(meaning all of us at H3 artificers) If you enjoy solving puzzles we have a section on our forum... just for people to write up switches that are not working... not many up... but with out you... those memebers could be set in a term of scrubbing there maps...

    BACK TO DOORS... Both of these doors .. and how they add to game ... from my Review, They are useful not to lock a team in Waylander pointed that out... but it is there for the reason to keep the enemy or any one for that matter from seeing a section of the map as well have lanes open for fire and close them... this is a big deal for all halo 1 maps compared too all halo 2 maps... Lets try and iron out both idea's...a way we could have a warthog pass?... that would be leap up from an already wonder...

    Sorry to MR LordofDoom5432 if I have gotten off your main topic so much by asking that... Is there more of what your looking for?

    I shall remind Coyote of that... but also mind you... on this site we do have a map copy right... and Waylander did in fact use that idea and state HE did it better, If any thing coyote was in most events feeling like Waylander was stealing a pie to what they all created... as a team even if they didn't know it... (this team being both Waylander and Coyote by notes)
    Nemihara I know our comments have seemed argumentative at times... and I am not going to really draw any thing out... I don't know how your comment is in any way productive from keeping this topic from becoming spam... you just enticed MR Coyote verbally sided with him...and said nothing about the Switch...WHICH IS WHAT THIS TOPIC IS ABOUT!!!

    So For most cases I like these switches both of you look at what you made... think about it... and think more of what this site can have if you work as a team...

    #23 G043R, Apr 11, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2008
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    The map copyright refers to stealing an actual map. Say, Waylander made a map called Towers. Then the next day, he sees someone else post a map called Buildings. In this map post, he sees identical pics, and when he dls it, it is in fact the same map.

    What you are referring to is idea infringement, and generally, it's insane to try to trace who thought of what first.

    Excuse me for going a trifle off topic.

    How did I entice Coyote to verbally side with him? And if I did, that's the point of an argument. To convince the opposing contender that my argument is more reasonable.

    Argumentative? Yes I am, in the sense that I point out facts, put it into a readable format for you guys, and you call me 'argumentative'.

    I'm using the correct version of the word 'argument'. What you?
  5. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Are we really arguing about the definition of argument? Let's try to stay on the topic of switches and doors. And as far as idea stealing goes, it's unfortunate. But this should be a collaborative community, not a competitive one. Just take pride in the fact that someone else liked your idea enough to use it.
  6. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I'm in the process of settling this matter over PM, and I believe negotiations are quite optimistic.

    If only I could have worded it like that.
  7. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    #27 Ferretness, Apr 11, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2008
  8. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    HAHA!! I love the internet!

    I'm more than willing to work with Coyote mate. That's why I joined this site. I enjoy making maps and working on things to make game play even more exciting than it already is. I'm also not very good at it yet so here I am in the hopes of receiving some help as far as ideas or whatever.

    Both of our systems have their good and bad points. Mine is small and is usable for maps that will have lots of small spaces so the forger would want to use as little on this mechanism as possible. However a Warthog would not fit through it very easily.

    Coyote and GO43R, your's is large enough for a vehicle to go through so would work a lot like the gate on Zanzibar/Last resort and High Ground.

    Both have their uses. Both are options that a forger could use. It's always better to have multiple answers to one problem because some work better at times that others don't.

    I did. It's called taking the piss. Stop taking things so seriously. You'll give yourself an ulcer.
  9. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    0 I might just get an ulcer from it.

    anyway, the doors albeit their original origins, both do work very well, however I wouldn't say "Problem solved" just yet, as you guys aptly pointed out the doors still have kinks...

    (small off topuic rant that is countreracted by my completelly on-topic post)

    Idea infringement, whilst not provable as you said is none the less infringement, and is in all maners of the word stealing
    and that is all we wanted. Why did everyone make such a big deal?

    Because as I'm sure TDF could tell you starting a Forum site, and getting it some popularity is hard. As Coyote stated, he doesn't want the credit for him, as It was a community project simple to create his, let alone waylanders. He only wants the respect for h3artificers. Were trying to build a community, the last think we need is someone stealing from it.

    Ohh and I'm generally a care free guy, but that doesn't mean I need to ignore theft.
  10. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Yea but I think both Coyote and I just posted ours as rough proofs of concept.
    Obviously they will be a bit more spit shining going on when they are put into a map.

    Moving on now perhaps?

    Coyote and GO43R, if you want to chat with me voice to voice, my gamertag is The Texan83.
    Lets join in a forge even and see if we can make an switch operated death trap like the walls closing in, when Solo, Chewbacca, Luke and Leia are in the trash compactor aye?
  11. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    That is an idea i haven't thought of.... C3P-0 Turn off all the Trash COMPACTORS!!!

    I can't fully call if a ghost or warthog can pass threw but I was meaning making a switch for cars would be very interesting...

    Also My name is my G tag the only one catch is that I am not going to be on till monday.
    #31 G043R, Apr 11, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2008
  12. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    Heh, I like how everyone always continues on the arguments past the original people. Oh well, I actually have sort of an idea for that, though vehicles will be a problem...

    My GT=Coyote1023
  13. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    I don't think you'd be able to get all the walls moving in simultaneously...or even slowly, but you could certainly make something to crush other something, or at least appear to crush them, as nothing is forge that doesn't explode can kill a vehicle.
  14. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I was thinking something to the lines of only one wall moving inward... almost just changing this its side...
  15. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    yes, I was saying that would be impossible, whilst keeping the aesthetics of a room
  16. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Just had an idea for it. More like an elevator turned on it's side than this though.

    Ferretness, you forget that the dumpster and crate (two things that can be moved by grave lifts/man cannons) are as tall as the spartan/elite. The room will just be shorter than the typical box hight.

    Don't think it would be able to move slowly or fast enough to kill but maybe use it as a way to force people from taking a certain route through a map and into another.
    #36 Waylander, Apr 11, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2008
  17. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    I can definitely see a door that closes that

    D ________
    | |
    | |

    So that it goes forward and blocks off a second route, but I don't see a closing in room.
  18. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    Two parallel halls, 1 box that shifts back and forth, there u go

    G=grav lift
    (ignore the dots, they are to space it out)

    ...l.B... l G

    Then you blow up the grav lift and the other side's spawns

    G.l.B... l
  19. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Ooh.. Might not work for a death trap but I can see it causing chaos in a maze.
  20. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    yes, but it wouldn't be reliable...

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