DOWNLOAD : Halo 3 File Details Casanova Castle is a map best suited for games of 10 ppl or fewer but larger games are welcome. I have incorperated closed and open battle areas ranging from small to large and also have added a vertical aspect to the map. i used all the tricks i know to make Casanova Castle as asthetically pleasing as possible. Gametypes that are set up: slayer oddball KOH all other gametypes will work but they lack starting points If u play my map i would like u to tell me what u think. and if there is a problem in the map let me know so i can fix it. i am always will to change something DOWNLOAD : Halo 3 File Details
I thought this was just another random map in the Recent Maps section I would take a quick look at and then walk away. But a loyal? I don't recognize you bkbillsfan, but I guess you might not be the most active loyal around then. You've been around for a long time though. Back onto Casanova Castle though, it sure looks interesting. The top half of the first picture made me want to scroll down more, but what is that down below? It seems like a lot of trouble for the attackers if they have to jump along a bunch of randomly placed objects to get to the actual map. I understand you might have run out of objects, or budget. But if that's the case, there is no reason there should even be a base out there if you can't forge it properly. And not to sound rude, but I can tell your pictures are taken in forge because I can see the grid. But I see no spawns, or starting points. No spawns, no starting points, no weapons... I don't know about this, but if you ask me this is more of a map preview than an actual map. Once again, I hope you take my words of advise into consideration... You know you need spawns in a map for it to work, right? Edit: From looking at the last picture, it seems as though you could grenade jump onto the columns and then easily get out of the map from there. A map being unbreakable brings it that much closer to being picture perfect. A map won't play well if you've got everybody fighting on top of the map instead of in it.
Hey, I think this looks really cool, I love the castle design, and while I don't usually comment on a map unless I have a chance to play it, I just wanted to tell you my first impression. From the perspective of being in a heated firefight, I wouldn't want to risk jumping along those walkways, even if god himself was waiting with a hit-scan BR at the end. Otherwise it looks great, so if there's room in your design doc (and budget) to link those, then I will probably d/l.
i'll dl this and edit my post with some sort of comment... looks ok but the attackers are out in the open, spawn camping possibly? (if there are any spawn points which i cant see)
Dude, I understand we might have had our differences in the past Darksoul, but you don't exactly have to play on a map to decide whether or not it has spawns. If you're trying to finger me out just because of the **** I gave you on my map thread, then you're way off dude. You said my map didn't LOOK fun. You rated it a 1/5, then gave me **** until the thread died out, and a colored member told you to stop. Please, leave me alone. Did you actually READ what I said about his map Darksoul, because from reading your post, you told me I was giving him ****. But I highly doubt you even played this map. I wasn't giving him ****... I told him his map was breakable, and that it didn't have spawn points on it. I don't exactly have to play it to find out it doesn't have any spawns on it. Leave me alone Darksoul, you're an ass, and you will always be one. Shut the hell up and stay out if you're going to just act like a ****. I know what I'm talking about, and anybody with a brain could tell that just by looking at the pictures. At least I left constructive criticism instead of saying his map sucked, that I wasn't going to download it, and then rate it a 1/5 and stalk him forever. Get the **** out Darksoul... Edit: Reported btw... You didn't say anything about his map. You just came in to give me ****.
haha funny thing is i wasn't trying to be mean, i wasn't trying to base this off of the past experience i just made sure to point out what you did to me when i posted pretty much exactly like you did so you can stop trying to look cool and start trying to play peoples maps. AND for the record i play peoples maps even if you don't want to believe me. AND the reason i said: "telling him all that ****", was simply because you hadn't played his map, whats good criticism if the only thing you can base it off of is a still image? oh and p.s. your the one that made this into a fight, not me. i was simply pointing out that you didn't play the map before posting, JUST like you did when i posted on your map so just calm down
moving on..... I'm looking at the screenshots (which doesn't tell me much) and the outside of the Castle, although it should be easy to traverse, is a death trap waiting to happen. if caught in a BR fight what's stopping you from falling? try adding Noob rails and more floor out there.
ok first of all there are spawn points and weopons. the pictured were taken previous to them being added. i do however feel that i do need to add a few more weopons. yes that area is a bit troublesome in a fire fight. it was designed that way but plans are in motion to fix it. and also please do not assume that that is where the attackers spawn because it isnt. please do not tell me what to fix before u have acctually looked at the map, pictures cant tell u very much. and Ryu i agree with u 100%. i added noob rails on the lower level of the main area so that ppl cant fall off down there and i had planned on adding more but i ran out of objects. i will figure out a way to fix it because it can prove to be a small problem. i will fix the map as soon as i get a chance. oh and also thz for the broken comment. i figured it could get like that so i am going to try and fix that as well. thx for the suggestions and i willsee what i can do. if anyone acctually plays the map. let me know how it plays becuse i havent had much time to test it.
This map is too cluttered and you dont have enough pictures to show what its all about. upload ore and i'll edit
judging from the pictures, it looks like some parts looks like you didn't even care. i know that u have potential. the last picture with the merged colums blue and red really looked good. you could've added some railings on some parts. but yeah i would rate the map 2/5.
I LOVE the main part of this map, all of the hiding spots and nooks and stuff make for an exciting feel and you are constantly looking over your shoulder. However, It seems like if you were to go out to the path on the outside, you would be very easy to kill, and that it is just a bit too far away and that people would just camp there. Besides that, 5/5. This map is amazing, good job.
argument resolved. you're both right. as for the map. it looks aesthetically pleasing from the 3 screenshots that you have posted, but i don't really get a good overall feel for the map. maybe you could post a more detailed view of the map, and possibly even some action shots. 3/5 from what i can see of the exterior and 1 room inside.