Sandbox Cypher

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Kazega Ryuu, Aug 24, 2009.

  1. Kazega Ryuu

    Kazega Ryuu Ancient
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    Cypher Discussion/Downlaod


    Alright first time posting a map here its okay you don't have to nervous.....

    Cypher is one my earlier Sandbox Creations. I actually like this map because I made it to be a Jack-of-all-Trades type of Map. it supports smaller teams well in both Slayer and Objective while also having good possibilities in the FFA and Multi Team areas as well. Action is fast paced but rarely bursts on you immediately after a spawn. anyway here are some pics:

    6 BRs (default)
    6 Carbines (default)
    1 Rocket Launcher (1 spare clip)-180
    2 Shotguns (1 spare set)-180
    2 Sniper Rifles (one spare clip)-120
    4 Maulers- one spare clip-120
    4 SMGs placed in pairs (default)
    4 Spikers placed in pairs (default)
    4 Magnums placed in pairs (default)
    4 Plasma Rifles Placed in Pairs (default)
    2 Needlers (Default)
    4 Frag Grenades
    8 Plasma Grenades
    2 Bubble Shields -60
    2 Powerdrains -60

    Once again Download
    #1 Kazega Ryuu, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
  2. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Okay, it looks like an earlier creation, but it still seems good. Of course some things were noobish of you to do (which I understand, as the beginning periods of Sandbox were mainly testing new concepts out), for example, the random/almost useless fin in front of each base. And back then I'm guessing you didn't know the new Sandbox Architecture expectations. And another thing, if it's a "Jack-of-all-Trades" map, then why didn't you at least show action shots?
  3. Kazega Ryuu

    Kazega Ryuu Ancient
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    I haven't taken pics like that yet. yes I know it seems lazy but I was hoping to submit this to ATLAS so I neve saved any playtests because of the changes I've been making. I'll be sure to get some up later though
  4. l PATRICK l

    l PATRICK l Ancient
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    Although the upside down stone platforms do impress me, i dont understand the wedge huge on the sides not going all the way across the top, look at the sniper spot and ull see what im talkin about, but i did play on this map and i absolutely was astounded by the gameplay, i thought it was very smooth and challenging. great map and congrats on posting correclty
  5. Kazega Ryuu

    Kazega Ryuu Ancient
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    Wow, I never thought I would be congratulated for reading the rules.

    anyway to help you understand the wedges in question Pat: those are like that simply because i choose for it to be like that. When everything else is lined up perfectly something like this adds a little flavor to the eye. It's like adding salt and pepper to eggs. you don't have to but adds taste to the eggs.

    I believe that a good map should play well and look good

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