Jericho The walls of Jericho are relentless, they show no fear, they show no pain, they show no mercy, they show only blood. Two variants available F.F.A.(original) or Team. The F.F.A. contains different barriers and a banshee to add a twist. 8 players F.F.A. 4-10 team Game types... F.F.A. slayer, oddball, king of the Hill, Juggernaut Team Slayer, Capture the flag, Assault, Weapons... 4 battle rifles 1 rocket 1 spartan laser 2 plasma pistols 2 brute shots 2 snipers 1 shotgun 4 SMG 2 machine-gun turrets 2 needler Equipment... 2 bubble-shield 2 powerdrain 2 flare 6 frag 4 plasma 4 spike 2 firebomb Vehicles... F.F.A. Banshee Team n/a Pictures... FFA overview red base overview blue base overview lower pathway red base blue base Rocket Spawn TEAM main difference is no banshee after testing it gave blue base an advantage ACTION SHOTS Download FFA [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZ...[/SIZE] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/CENTER]
If you used haloscrenshots it is temporarily down so please fix your pics. Photobucket is a great place to get them up and running. It isnt as fast but its relatively simple. I will edit when you get them fixed. PS you arent as new as others so I assume you dont need my help but if you do pm me and I will show you how to use photobucket but like i said I doubt you need me.