Okay well... If I can say so I'm pretty good at forging, the only reason my maps never make it public is because I eventually drop them and forget about them. It's not like I want to stop working on them, it just happens. So what do you guys(and girls!) do to keep yourselves motivated and/or busy on the forge? P.S. I'm new, so if this is in the wrong place - Sorry! I looked... sorta.
It's forge related talk, so it's fine. What do I do to keep myself going? I don't know. I'm still trying to motivate myself to work on a couple maps, lol.
I think we all go through that stage during a maps creation where you start to hate everything and it appears more and more crooked and misaligned and you build. Once you've finished though you look back and realise you were worrying about nothing. That's how it is for me and a couple of people I've talked to anyway, just take a break?
Thats exactly how it is for me too ... for example, i'm getting towards completion of a new map and its literally taken 2 weeks nearly (working on and off of course) because i do a little and lose all motivation. Then i completely deviate from what i originally planned. So what was going to be a small, curved FFA map is now an asymmetrical openness... its hard to explain. But my point is, everyone goes through phases of wanting to Forge and not wanting to. You just have to remember how you felt when you first had the idea for the map... all that inspiration.
I go get pissed at halo and then say F this im forging and use my anger to fuel my passion and imagination. My problem is I have good ideas, but I'm not the person who will keep turning the wall ever so slightly for an hour until its where i want it...a few tries and then i throw it across the map.
Thanks a lot guys, the remember your first design helped a lot. Well, my map is near completion now, so this discussion is done
I have started about 5 major maps, never finished 1. I just can't get past the "oh god my map looks horrible!!!" phase.
I don't keep going. I always start maps and never finish them. I think the only reason I finshed Faction because I did most of the map all in one go.
I typically dont much have the problem where i find "OMG CROOKED" or "thats not straight." My problems are usually related to lining things up and/or the item limit. Im cursed when it comes to the item limit. Typically, i stop working on a map when i realise something doesnt work or whatever, otherwise i always finish what i start.
I always try something different, than what I started with, always adjusting. I do have a occasional forger block.