I create a perfect reproduction of the white house on sandbox. The terrorists spawn in the dark desert and need to kill Obama in his white house between his gards. the terrorists can go by Few secret way to acomplish their mission like vents, breakable wall and constructions stairs. gametype= protect obama Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Share
Man, you are just a ton of help! All right, after getting over that sarcasm, please read the forum rules, and you will discover that you must post at least one picture of your map. You must also have a link and a larger description, along, preferably, with a weapons list. Currently, the ONLY way that you can get your screenshots into the forums is by: 1)Creating a Photobucket account 2)Downloading screenshots that you want to have from Bungie.net onto your computer 3)Upload these Photos to photobucket 4)Copy the IMG codes and paste them into your thread. If you have any questions, PM me.
naw bro go to imageshack.com upload your pictures that you must first download from bungie, then take the links from your newly uploaded pictures and post them in your theard like this i say imageshack because there is no need to create a profile there its just upload as many as you want.