Okay, most of us have experienced the loss of a map that we had worked oh so hard for. Maybe it got deleted by accident, or saved over. Anyway there may be hope to you retreiving it. It is a short process, but you need a one thing. That is a Memory Card. Allow me to explain. I was down in the dumps, when Reigning Chaos told me that if you do these steps your map could come back. I immediately jumped up and followed them. Push the middle Xbox button on your controller. Go to System Settings. You'll be brought back to the dashboard in a menu. From there, go to Memory. Then choose the Games category. Find Halo 3. From here you will see about every thing you saved to your hadrdrive in the past. I saw the Map Albatross on Narrows in there, and I knew immediately that my map would be there. Sure enough. It is, but theres one tiny problem. I need a memory card to save it to. I cannot save it to the harddrive for some reason. Once saved to the memory card, I believe you'll be able to re-save it back to your harddrive, and have the map in your possesion. And there you go. It saves things from your game from long times ago. By that I mean you could recover a lost Foundry map, from before we knew about the Legendary map pack. I myself don't have a memory card, thus I'm un-able to save the map back in time for the Tempplate Contest Dead-line. 29th of August. I hope this helps you all reclaim what's yours. Unfortunately, I can't.
At least you'll be able to get your map back if you ever find the money to get a memory card. Aren't they only about $20? I'm sure you could attempt to earn the money for a memory card by the 29th. Great job on Reigning Chaos's part! This might help a lot of people... Too bad you didn't already have a memory card Given... I know just how hard you must've been working on that map...
Yeah, they are only about $30 for a 512 MB card which is more than plenty. I myself am looking into one for Rock Band 2 because my brother and I play it over at friend's house's and they don't have all the extra DLC my brother and I bought. It would be awesome to be able to play all those songs. OP: Thanks for sharing your method. Personally, I haven't had any issues with losing maps, but I'm sure this will help out avid forgers.
Or you can call 1-800-4MY-XBOX and get a free data transfer cable and use Xplorer360 to transfer the file back to your profile.