From Hell Team T.W.E is proud to show you From Hell create by Voi69 & Spartan45kill. Only infection games on this map !! 8-16 players. Overview : Zombie's spawn : Humans spawn in front of the red tower. Humans must climb the tower to find powerfull weapons and escape zombies. First floor: Second floor : Final plateform : The bridge appear at 120s. Here the link : : Halo 3 File Details Enjoy
Im not gunna lie, this looks like a very fun map. I like all the little sniper towers and what not, and i like the final looks epic. nice job, DLing now. ~Bl4ckhawk~
OK, I agree that this looks awsome, and is no doubt fun, but from the looks of it, it is stupid easy to break. If everyone got outside, either by jumping out or, if gravity is high, by going to the top of the tower and jumping off, then it seems to me that the fun would die rather quickly if you were a zombie. is there a way to prevent this that i am missing?
The towers look amazing, but you should probably expand upon the map. Make the map go out until you hit the guardian lasers. This is because players can climb the tower and jump outside of the barrier or just grenade jump over it. I would suggest deleting the wall that goes around the two towers and just make an outer area.
My sentiments exactly, it is a very amazing looking map as everyone else has said but you should make it the whole map wide or just widen the walls enough that way no one can jump out and make them at least 2 stories tall.
Thanks everybody for the feedbacks ! You're all right our map is easily breakable but I hope people who play on will be intelligent and don't kill the fun... When I've done game on it, it was great because Humans stay on the plateform. I'll probably make a V2 uncheatable in the sky, this is the only viable solution. But if you've got friends or mature gamers I promise you fun infection game.^^ Thanks again for your criticism. Hope more opinion, Spartan45kill
It's good for us to have good criticismes, we will create a V2, but we've a project and It will take a moment. Thanks