Who here is has or planned to pre-order the new halo game? Reply below where you went to order it...or plan to order it.
i plan to order it with my b-day money (mid sept) and i should have my own visa by then so ill just use my card but if i cant preorder its not a big deal just go and get it on the day
Unless you plan on not getting ODST the day it comes out then I suggest you pre-order. I'm already $20 dollars paid off on the regular edition at my Gamestop. After school I plan on paying another $20 bucks so when it comes out I'll only have to pay like another $20. *Pre-Ordered*
I ordered my at Jb-Hi fi. I got the bundle for $129 Aus which is $20 cheaper than at Eb! And cause I pre ordered I get Jhonson. But wait there's more! Seeing I pre ordered at Jb they are doing an offer if you pre order odst they give you 200 ms points! AND because I have pre ordered around $800 Aus worth of games I have been given 4 $20 Aus gift vouchers! Oh man. Don't even get me started how much I saved on my new laptop too.
I preordered. ^_^ Alienman, it comes with 3 new maps that you can't get off Xbox Live, and from the videos I can tell it's gonna be fun. =) Plus, if you preorder you can play as Johnson! =D
I pre-order a long time ago, I can't wait to play Johnson I wonder? Maybe Johnson can come back from the dead like in Halo 3 hmm.....
I pre-ordered on Amazon and then paid an extra of $2.00 or something for it to ship be delivered to my house on release date.
Dude, even if you don't pre-order you get the maps. Really all you get for the normal pre-order is Johnson, which I don't see right, and the chance to play it the day it comes out, which millions of people are going to do without pre-ordering. And a controller for the other LCE edition pre-order. Which is pretty cool butt I'd rather have something else. I'm just gonna get it normally.
No no flaw. Hes meaning of the trick of bringing Johnson back to life. I did Pre-order mine as regular. Payed the full 75 bucks for it.