MLG Flashback v2 This is my first MLG map. It´s a small map best played with 2v2 or FFA. It took some time to make this map because every object is interlocked. Personaly I think it works best with MLG multi flag. Overview Red base Blue base Middle piece MLG Flashback v2 Sniper spawn Rocket launcher spawn Plasma grenades spawn Mauler spawn It works with all MLG Gametypes Hope you like it!
if only you showed us more pictures taken from different angles and a bit more of the center structure (it doesnt look bad dont get me wrong it looks bloody amazing) you made a VERY nice map and the asthetics look sweet i dont usually download MLG maps but i may start to from now on as i like the look of this map. lots! 5/5 keep forging like that
I have to say this is a really good map, and it actually is my favorite kind of map to make (a open block in the skybubble with cool scenery.) Unfortunately, there is a shotgun, which makes it illegal for mlg. You might want to fix that, but to everyone else, this is totally worth the download.
This looks very cool. And it (the map) uses creative uses of interlocking, the only thing I find pointless is the double obelisk BR spawn. Very creative, but perhaps a bit too linear. I'll give it a 3.5/10.
goddamn it, stop being a *****, this is near flawless and you know it. the only problems for mlg i see is the shotgun, and how the back of the bases are blank. everything seems amazing and ill try it out when i get home tuesday at midnight atlantic. edit* plus, to benzu, why the hell did you give it a 3.5/10 if the only thing you thought was pointless, was purely for aesthetics. you seriosly need to rethink your rating criteria
This is one of the cleanest MLG maps I've ever seen. The interlocking is smooth and the aesthetics are pretty cool and imaginative. Gameplay seems like it would be very fun. If you take out the shotgun, then this map is very well suited for MLG. I give it 9.7/10.
I totally agree. Whether or not you like this map, its much better than a 3.5/10. Saying things like this will make people devalue your future opinions. Back to the map, clean MLG map and its a painstaking process to interlock every piece. Looks like a clean layout and the time it took alone deserves over a 3.5. Great map but as everyone else said the weapons have to be tweaked to be a true MLG. I'm tired of seeing the same MLG maps in the crypt. This is a nice map.
this map looks really nice kinda small but most mlg maps are i like what you did with the tube intersections i never would have thought of that. could you put up some pics of the center though because its kinda hard to make i out from the pics but it looks nice from what i can see. but the only thing i see wrong is the shotgun and shot guns arent mlg so ill give it a 00000.1/10 because of the shotgun! no but seriously i give this map hmmm 7.5/10 and 8/10 with no shotgun
well i like the design of the map but as a mlg map its kinda bad. most of the people posting in this thread like the look of the map so they give it a high rating, i to like the look of the map but for these reasons i don't think it suits mlg: - mlg is bout fast paced gameplay with the need to strats to win, this map will either be a shootout from either side with both teams not really moving or a rushing, spamming of nades kinda gameplay with not much skill involved. - also you said that it would be best suited for ctf. how is it going to be possible to get a flag cap at all? if you try to pull the flag the opposing team will spawn right near you making it impossible to get a cap. - mlg prides itself in being the most strategised gametype in halo 3. this map has no basic set up at all. - this map can become a good mlg map, what you need to do is create two bases so the flag is somewhat protected from nade spam and people just spawning. you also should think bout creating a bridge going across the middle of the map. this will add a basic set up as well as stopping nade spam when first spawning. onlsaught and amplified both have 2nd levels along the side of the map to help create better gameplay and to create flow through the map. if you did this connecting the bases you created to a bridge in the middle this would create a much better mlg map. i belive this map could become a good mlg map but unless you don't create some kinda of base and a basic setup for each team i don't think it could be called mlg.
Flashback v2 is done. But I will take some pics tommorow. I replased the shotguns with maulers, added more cover in the bases, replaced mauler with rocket, moved oddball starting point, fixed spawn areas and moved br spawn. If there is anything more you think I should change just tell me. There will probably be a v3 soon, but I won´t post it untill I´m 100% satisfied with it.
Originally Posted by Homepage | Major League Gaming *This is an article posted by Nasty detailing H3's strengths and weaknesses and a few solid guidelines for building a competitive map.* Things the game play must do: (in order of importance) 1. Decide which team of 4 has the better combination of strategy, innovation, and shooting skill 2. Be completely balanced and fair for both teams 3. Move in a timely manner to promote tournament play 4. Be exciting to watch Halo 3's natural strengths 1. When in range, the BR takes a lot of skill to lead and use properly. Out-BR'ing, when in range, exists again. 2. Momentum grenades - putting a grenade where you want it requires more thought than Halo 2 3. Sniping requires more skill, as long as your opponents are close enough to contest your scope 4. Jumps - many different jumps and techniques allow interesting traversal of the level 5. Weapons can be drop-spawned Halo 3's natural weaknesses 1. Melees are unskilled and uninteresting without BLB, BXB BXR, variations but with lunge 2. Long range battles - they don't work like they should 3. Without melee options, close-range weapons run a thin line between too good and worthless 4. Average kill time with a BR is really long - doesn't reflect the skill required to hit all shots (assuming correct range) 5. Power-ups can't be drop-spawned Game play Generalities 1. In 4v4, setups are actually good - as long as there are many interesting ways to break them (Jumps, coordinated grenades, partner jumps), and they are punctuated by grabs for power-ups 2. Power-ups/weapons should come up at a time both teams know about, or should spawn in a place that is easily seen/watched to prevent slippery slope victories 3. 3D level design is inherently better. Levels that require you to think of your opponents movement above and below you in addition to left and right make out-smarting your opponent more skillful. Imagine Midship with no area below the base, or Lockout without sword area - too simple. So with these in mind, let's come up with a set of rules that govern what makes good and bad Halo 3 game play. Halo 3 Golden Rules 1. Starting weapon = BR. To speed up game play, damage and movement should be at 110% to increase kill speed and accuracy requirements. 2. Level design should always promote battles that take place from short-mid to mid-long range. Either extreme doesn't work well under the Halo 3 engine. 3. Power-ups go in easy to see places, power-weapons go in hard to reach places. Both go away from any area you'd consider setting up in. 4. Blind sharp corners must be avoided whenever possible. 5. All levels should have multiple areas where a team can set up. All of these areas must be approachable from many different angles, and ideally there are innovative options for surprise attacks ---------------- that info will help make your map better.
I like it but I defiantly think you should consider putting rails on the around the edges to stop people from falling off. Also I think the back of each base looks a bit blank, you should from the very ends of both sides extend back and make a 2 leveled base. There seems to be allot of power-weapons in the map, but I haven't played it so I cant see weather or not that would effect gameplay. Overall good map, needs work though.
umm it looks like a good map, i see good interlocking. the map really needs some railings though. its just my opinion but i give it a 3.7/5
how is that even possible? your map is soo ridiculously small its not even funny, unless you don't fix a few things up as i have already mentioned its not a very good mlg map. sorry.